Nightfall Character Can't Get D'Alessio Seaboard Mission in Tyria
Fuzzy Nyx
After traveling to Lion's Arch and completing the Report to the White Mantle primary quest, I can not get the D'Alession Seaboard mission from the NPC when clicking "How Can I Help?" Tried with heroes, without heroes and with henchman on two different characters. Any suggestions?
What you can do is run to D'Alessio Seaboard Mission. You do not have to follow the primary quests in order to do the Prophecies missions. It does help however to get you to the next mission area. Factions and Nightfall are differant. D'Alessio is west of LA. A very short run. You follow the path that goes west untill you see it split with a path going south. Take that south path at that split.
The way things work in Tyria, is that you don’t talk to an NPC to begin a mission in a mission town. Instead, you just click “Enter Mission.”
Quests are not required to do missions; it’s only a mechanism for you to find the next place to go.
Quests are not required to do missions; it’s only a mechanism for you to find the next place to go.
Yeah, just hit the "Enter Mission" button in your party window. That's how it works in Tyria & cantha. GL & HF!
Fuzzy Nyx
Doh (head slap) Thanks all. "Enter Mission" button worked.
That's a nice thing that I never would have thought could happen. Haha.

I'm guessing the first game he got was NF. Have fun and welcome to Tyria.
No more running to some random NPC for you

Tetris L
Actually, when I started playing GW (Prophecies) it took me quite a while to find out about the "Enter Mission" button too. I had already explored most of Ascalon, and reached Piken Square before I did my first mission.