Doppelganger problem



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Join Date: Jan 2007

ポーランド共和国 / クラクフ

Flying Bananas [メメメ]



I was just reading lots of topic here about that but still have problem.I can't kill this "Doppelganger" i using lots of tactics:

1)Healing Breeze
2)Healing Breeze

and others.

Doppleganger always win with me and i dont know what to do to kill him.Some1 have some idea about that ?

Sakura Az

Sakura Az

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2007

The frozen north

Ambassadors Of Enlightenment [Sage]


i assume from your listed skills that your a monk or a warrior? in that case, i've done it with a monk, anyways switch to a few smiting skills, heal touch, scorege healing if you have it, and then first cast scrouge healling on him, and then your smite skills, and then wanding, smiting and healing till he dies.

i've never done it as a warrior, so i can only guess, i'd say take frenzy, but don't use it, its for the dopple to use, bring some attack skills, and once he goes into frenzy, unleash them all on him, the double damage he'll take should be very helpful


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005



For warrior, only bring frenzy and healing signet. He'll use them both at the same time and go down in 10 seconds. That's what happend to me last time I killed him at least.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

Retribution and healing breeze works as well. Toss in Frenzy for him to use, not you.

The doppleganger seems to only use healing breeze if he suffers from degen, thus you can safely use it as a heal.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


as a warrior your doppel is ridiculously easy, just bash away at him and kill him, i didn't even do anything special buildwise to ascent my warrior... of course, adding frenzy to the bar for him to use will ease it all



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

When I have a monk primary or secondary, I'll bring along Life Attunement, it buys some time to kill the doppel. (The time it takes it to cast, and also reduces its damage output.)



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006


Martyrs to the ether [ZeaL]


or take ordinary skills that u use in PvE thats what i did



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


If monk primary or secondary, I usually take a load of useless enchantments (Blessed Aura, Divine Boon, Life Attunement etc)... by the time the doppel has finished casting them, I've pretty much wasted it.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2006

Las Vegas NV

something i tried that worked pretty well is just load up your skill bar with signets of capture or leave them blank, except 2-3 skills. It works best if you have an interrupt and a slow casting spell that inflicts damage. If ur a Mo i dont know if this helps at all, but if you have a 2nd profession, find an interrupt skill from that.

Basically what i did was when the battle started, since i only had 3 skills a damage, an dummy enchant(hex works ok too) and interrupt, i would just attack, and wait for the dopple to use that damage spell (i recommend at least a 2 sec cast time, especially if ur not experienced with interrupts), interrupt it, then cast the lame enchant/hex to draw the dopple's interrupt. since the dopp's damage spell is recharging and they cant interrupt, then you blast him/her with the damage spell. since neither of us have any healing (no such skills equipped), the battle takes care of itself at that point.

Crom The Pale

Crom The Pale

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2006

Ageis Ascending


Best method ive always used it so equipd some spells that are slow casting but do relatively nothing. Ranger spirits are great for this.

For a monk there are some enchantments that do nothing that can cost him time and energy

Then you just need to attack as soon as the fight stops and never stop.
He'll die very fast.

note: a max customized weapon from a collector with dmg 15% while over 15hp is a great help too



Join Date: Jan 2007

sever artery
final thrust

why, u say? because of these reasons:

frenzy: he will take double damage

gash+sever artery: because as long as u have them in that order, he will use gash first, then sever artery

final thrust: he doesnt know when to use it, he will just use it when ur full or near full hp, u can use this to finish him off, iw will deplete all his dren..

Fungus Amongus

Fungus Amongus

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare] | [Rare] Alliance

You should check the stickies. It has answers to many common questions including How do I beat the Doppleganger?


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Your face

True Gods Of War [True]



only bring frenzy.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Urmston, Manchester, UK

Greener Pastures [DVDF]


Think I got the doppel in 6 seconds with my standard warrior PvE build.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

south mississippi

Warriors Of Melos WOM


I took down my dopple fairly easy with all professions. One of my favorites was using my Ranger. I loaded up with beastmaster skills and took my pet and then let him do the work. It took about 30or so seconds but worked as the dopple will concentrate on the pet not you.

Mega Mouse