How do i cap Elite Skills?

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Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006

The Hague



the title asks the question.. i hear it alot.. that they cap the skills.. i figured out it was like stealing it.. but my question: HOW?

please explain





Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006



You can cap(ture) elite skills by equipping a Signet of Capture on your skillbar and using it after killing a boss of your first or secondary profession.
You can buy these Signets almost everywhere. (First place in Tyria is Querrel Falls, in Cantha it's Kaineng Center and in Elona it's Yohlon Haven).

Hope this helps



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Cheltenham, Glos, UK

Wolf Pack Samurai [WPS]


Ok, firstly it depends on what chapter your playing, so i'll explain each:


Skill Quests:Skill Trainers:
  • You can only capture skills of your current primary or secondary profession. You must also be standing near the boss's corpse.
  • After activation, a dialog box will appear that lists all the capturable skills of all dead bosses of your primary or secondary profession within range. Special skills such as monster-only skills will not be listed. You can select a skill and click capture or cancel to instead keep your Signet of Capture.
  • You can buy multiple Signets of Capture from skill trainers and equip as many as you like at one time. It is possible to temporarily have multiple elites by using multiple Signets of Capture without exiting the area or returning to an outpost. If you have multiple elite skills when you move to a new zone, only the leftmost (lowest numbered) elite skill on your skill bar will remain equipped. The other elite skills will be unavailable until you re-equip, and blank spaces will replace them in your skill bar.
  • At level 20, capturing an elite skill will yield an impressive 5,000 XP. This is one third of the XP needed to gain another skill point. This will also remove all Death Penalty.
  • Signet of Capture cannot be used to capture elite skills from some bosses in Istan. This appears to be related to the levels of the bosses.
  • If the boss has used an echoing skill you will find the skill he echoed instead of the actual skill to make an echo. Simply wait for the echo to run out then capture it again.
  • If a player starts out with n skill points and goes on capturing elite skills until he runs out of skill points, that player can capture roughly 1.5n elite skills, only counting the 5000 XP reward.

Methods Of Skill Capture

While the signet of capture has been the only way to acquire an enemy skill, the current procedure differs than the original method required to capture a skill from an enemy.Originally, when Guild Wars Prophecies was released, the signet of capture was required to complete activation as the desired skill was being activated. Once the enemy had been slain, the skill could no longer be captured. This proved to be a difficult method of capturing elite skills which had very short activation times and some time after Prophecies was released, the method of skill capturing was changed to the current method by a patch.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


This should explain a lot:



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


the wiki is your friend...

damn, yeah_hi beat me to it!



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Cheltenham, Glos, UK

Wolf Pack Samurai [WPS]


Originally Posted by Seren!ty
You can cap(ture) elite skills by equipping a Signet of Capture on your skillbar and using it after killing a boss of your first or secondary profession.
You can buy these Signets almost everywhere. (First place in Tyria is Querrel Falls, in Cantha it's Kaineng Center and in Elona it's Yohlon Haven).

Hope this helps
Wrong, you need to do the missions to get the first cap sig as detailed in my post above, then they become available at all skill trainers including the guild hall NPC

Tetris L

Tetris L

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna

Originally Posted by Seren!ty
You can buy these Signets almost everywhere. (First place in Tyria is Querrel Falls,
It's available quite a bit earlier than Quarrel Falls. In Lion's Arch via quest, and in Beetletun from the skill trainer.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
Wrong, you need to do the missions to get the first cap sig as detailed in my post above, then they become available at all skill trainers including the guild hall NPC
Not sure this is entirely correct either. I think you can get cap sigs at some skill trainers without doing any of the quests you mentioned in your earlier post.

I seem to recall capping Spiteful Spirit at lvl 3 in Tyria, with a cap sig bought from Droknar's Forge, and without completing the 'Malaquire's Test' quest.

Tetris L

Tetris L

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna

Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
Wrong, you need to do the missions to get the first cap sig as detailed in my post above, then they become available at all skill trainers including the guild hall NPC
Wrong, I definetly bought my first SoC from trainers without having done the quests before, on several of my characters.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Cheltenham, Glos, UK

Wolf Pack Samurai [WPS]


Originally Posted by yeah_hi
Not sure this is entirely correct either. I think you can get cap sigs at some skill trainers without doing any of the quests you mentioned in your earlier post.

I seem to recall capping Spiteful Spirit at lvl 3 in Tyria, with a cap sig bought from Droknar's Forge, and without completing the 'Malaquire's Test' quest.
No, they changed it in a previous update, i can't remember which, but i'll look it up later...

They also added the quest NPC in kaineng after they releised you could cap elites at lvl 5 and at the same time they changed the Exp gain for capping


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006



Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
No, they changed it in a previous update, i can't remember which, but i'll look it up later...

They also added the quest NPC in kaineng after they releised you could cap elites at lvl 5 and at the same time they changed the Exp gain for capping
I don't believe you can buy signets of capture from campaign skill trainers without completing the respective campaign skill capture quests first. However you definetely can buy signets of capture from a skill trainer in your guild hall before you complete the quests (I did so this week for a canthan Necromancer I've started, capped a few elites before I got the quest to retrieve the orrion tome and then completed the 'skill cap an enemy' quest afterwards immediately).

Also for the OP, in case they don't know how to tell what profession a boss is (apart from skills used), this is indicated by their colour as given below:
Yellow - Warrior
Light Green - Ranger
Blue - Monk
Dark Green - Necromancer
Magenta - Mesmer
Red - Elementalist
Light Lavender - Assassin
Cyan - Ritualist
Pale Yellow - Paragon
Grey - Dervish



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Cheltenham, Glos, UK

Wolf Pack Samurai [WPS]


Originally Posted by silara_jorinset
I don't believe you can buy signets of capture from campaign skill trainers without completing the respective campaign skill capture quests first.
I said that in my first very long post

Originally Posted by silara_jorinset
However you definetely can buy signets of capture from a skill trainer in your guild hall before you complete the quests (I did so this week for a canthan Necromancer I've started, capped a few elites before I got the quest to retrieve the orrion tome and then completed the 'skill cap an enemy' quest afterwards immediately).
Nice, thats useful to remember for the future...

See even an old warrior can learn a new trick



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
No, they changed it in a previous update, i can't remember which, but i'll look it up later...
Really? Because now I think about it, this:

Originally Posted by yeah_hi
I seem to recall capping Spiteful Spirit at lvl 3 in Tyria, with a cap sig bought from Droknar's Forge, and without completing the 'Malaquire's Test' quest.
Was done less than 2 weeks ago, during the last 'double XP for skill capping' weekend. At the same time my Elonian monk capped skills in Tyria and Cantha, despite not having completed Consulate Docks (which means I haven't reached Kourna, which is where the cap sig quest is located).

There is no skill trainer in my guild hall.

So I'm guessing this update you mentioned is pretty recent? If you could find details that would be most useful. I can't see anything relating to this on Guildwiki.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Cheltenham, Glos, UK

Wolf Pack Samurai [WPS]


Originally Posted by yeah_hi
Really? Because now I think about it, this:

Was done less than 2 weeks ago, during the last 'double XP for skill capping' weekend. At the same time my Elonian monk capped skills in Tyria and Cantha, despite not having completed Consulate Docks (which means I haven't reached Kourna, which is where the cap sig quest is located).

There is no skill trainer in my guild hall.

So I'm guessing this update you mentioned is pretty recent? If you could find details that would be most useful. I can't see anything relating to this on Guildwiki.
Ok, I'll look through them, but its been there for quite a while (since just after factions release i believe), however, something like that recently sounds more like a bug...

EDIT ~ Can't find the update that the kaineng centre Cap Sig quest was added.... i honestly remember it being added as i had to do the mission even though I'd already capped some elites with my Canthan Ranger... this is gonna piss me off soon, ffs, even the quest NPC details on wiki doesn't have a note of being added...



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Kaineng Center quest additions:

Signet of Capture XP gain change:

The quest additions were because Factions-only players didn't have an introduction to cap sigs, not to restrict cap sig usage.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Cheltenham, Glos, UK

Wolf Pack Samurai [WPS]


Originally Posted by Savio
Kaineng Center quest additions:

Signet of Capture XP gain change:

The quest additions were because Factions-only players didn't have an introduction to cap sigs, not to restrict cap sig usage.
yeah, thats how I meant it, and good find sir, I doff my cap to you