Using a controller (gamepad)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007

God of Griffins


I was wondering if anyone has been sucessfull playing guildwars with a controller. I tried it, but the controller driver would not let me remap the buttons to keyboard keys (anyone know of a universal driver or a way to do this?).

Just wondering. It would be nice if there was a way to do it.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


It probably depends on the controller, however, I would like to know why??? Keyboard + Mouse is WAAAAY better than dinky controller



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


I don't think you can remap the game to most controllers, but if you could get the controller to act as specific keyboard inputs instead of making the game see your pad, you could probably do it.

But, You'd need some kind of crazy 20+ button controller to get full effect. You'd need to map qweasd for best control, 1-8 for skills, C and Tab as well as Space, ; to target items, and F1-F4 depending on what weapon swaps you've got. Looking around could be a pain without the mouse, and there would be the small problem of comunication (add a Ctrl button so you can call what you're doing, maybe an Alt button to see NPCs a bit easier).

Might be more trouble than it's worth, but imo that's what you'd need to do to make it work.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

I use an n52:


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007

God of Griffins


Originally Posted by DeanBB
Can you tell me a little about how you have this set up? I imagine you also use a mouse.

The more I think about it, the less I think the game would be at all playable with a gamepad, specifically the skills. though if the gamepad driver let you pick a key combination and assign it to a key you could do the following, using a PS2 controller as an example

Button 1 can be "C"
Button 2 can be "Space"
Button 3 can be "Target nearest Ally"
Button 4 can be "TAB"

L1 Plus button 1 = skill 1
L1 Plus button 2 = skill 2
L1 Plus button 3 = skill 3
L1 Plus Button 4 = skill 4
L2 Plus button 1 = skill 5
L2 Plus button 2 = skill 6
L2 Plus button 3 = skill 7
L2 Plus Button 4 = skill 8

The Directional pad or Analog stick could be W A S and D

I think that setup would be possible, It's just finding some sort of driver to convert the joystick commands to keyboard commands.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

In the forgotten corners of your mind where the nightmare things live

Biscuit Of Dewm


I have a nyko game pad and it came with mapping software not that Id expect people to run out and get a new controller but if you are in the market for one Id suggest it ( I do not use if for GW tho)



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

The n52 includes software to map whatever you want and to do some key combo type macros, ie ";" + "space" kinds of things. So I have all the normal keyboard functions mapped to the n52 except for some things like G, N, ', etc.

Normal play has my left hand on the n52 and right on the mouse. I'm too old and feebelminded to have skills on the n52 so I use the mouse to activate them via the icons but you could easily map the 8 skills to n52 buttons.

I think it is a great combo and very comfortable.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Planet Earth, Sol system, Milky Way galaxy



As a matter of fact, I have been playing Guild Wars with a Dualshock2 since it was released, via controller to USB device(no driver needed) and a gamepad to keyboard/mouse freeware emulator. I can barely play the game without my controller, now; I find the keyboard too uncomfortable. I'm stubborn, that way.

The software I use: JoytoKey, allows up to 3 keys to be bound to one button, so you can execute all the commands that Guild Wars uses(For example, you can bind Control+Shift+Spacebar to a button to call a target, if you want.), and you can assign a button to act as a trigger for combos via it's virtual gamepad function. For, example, I hold L2+ any other button to double the number of buttons I have available. I use L2+ D-pad and [] /\ O X for skills 1-8, as an example. With combo triggers like this, I have 45 keys available, but I only use 31, plus mouse cursor and wheel on the analog sticks.

Here is a link to the software, it is virus/spyware-free:

The attachment is my current button scheme file. You must dowload or move this file to the same folder as the joytokey.exe and change the extension from .txt to .cfg, and it will be ready for you to play. Note: this file assumes you are using controller:1, according to Windows Control Panel, and obviously, it is mapped for a Sony Dualshock pad, or something with a similar button layout. It should work on other controllers, but I have no idea if it will be convenient.

As with any download, I encourage you to scan for viruses, but none are included!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007

God of Griffins


This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you SO much!

The reason I want to do this is that I play guild wars on a projector from a recliner. I have a tray I use for my keyboard and mouse, but it's not very comfortable. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to use it well with a group, but farming and playing with henchman would be great!

Thanks again, I searched all over the net trying to find something like this.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Planet Earth, Sol system, Milky Way galaxy



You're welcome! I'm glad to help. My situation is similar to you, in fact. I play on the couch with my computer hooked up to the CRT HDTV. I've always wanted to try Guild Wars on a projector. Guild Wars plays quite well with a good controller layout; it's easy to move, spin the camera and spam skills all at once. I started out very similar to your example and VGJustice above:

W,A,S,D, on the D-pad, Mouse cursor on left analog, and Mouse wheel on the right.
Tab = button1
Mouse Right = button2(hold this+D-pad <> to strafe, or left analog to spin camera)
Mouse Left = button3
Spacebar = button4
CTRL and ALT are R1, R2
L3 = T: target called target
R3 = C
Select and Start are I, M
L1 = increase mouse speed 300%( you may need to bump this up on a projector)
L2 is my trigger button. I hold this plus D-pad or button 1-4 for skills 1-8, or L3, R3, select, start for weaponset 1-4, and L3 is hench/hero flag, R3= ;

I probably left a few out that I mapped, and as VGJustice noted, communication can be a problem when I am not playing with the guild(Vent), as I have to stop to type. I rarely PuG(shudder), so I tell people I can't respond while playing.
Monking is not really possible, and Keyboard/Mouse players have the advantage in PVP. But then I never PVP. Have fun, and feel free to ask if you have any more questions.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007

God of Griffins


I'm going to give it a try tonite, I'll let you knoe how it goes. I'm using a Logitech wireless PS2 controller with USB adapter.

I also have this one that I might try but I don't think I'll like it, it's a little bulky, it has a built in USB keyboard, but it's corded.

I got it when FFXI Came out for PS2.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007

God of Griffins


I'm trying to map the left analog left and right to left arrow right arrow (to rotate the camera) but I can't seem to figure it out. Everything else seems to work great.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

In a house....


OoOooO Didn't see the last post date.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

Purple Ravens


Originally Posted by MisterB
As a matter of fact, I have been playing Guild Wars with a Dualshock2 since it was released, via controller to USB device(no driver needed) and a gamepad to keyboard/mouse freeware emulator. I can barely play the game without my controller, now; I find the keyboard too uncomfortable. I'm stubborn, that way.

The software I use: JoytoKey, allows up to 3 keys to bound to one button, so you can execute all the commands that Guild Wars uses(For example, you can bind Control+Shift+Spacebar to a button to call a target, if you want.), and you can assign a button to act as a trigger for combos via it's virtual gamepad function.For, example, I hold L2+ any other button to double the number of buttons I have available. I use L2+ D-pad and [] /\ O X for skills 1-8, as an example. With combo triggers like this, I have 45 keys available, but I only use 31, plus mouse cursor and wheel on the analog sticks.

Here is a link to the software, it is virus/spyware-free:

The attachment is my current button scheme file. You must dowload or move this file to the same folder as the joytokey.exe and change the extension from .txt to .cfg, and it will be ready for you to play. Note: this file assumes you are using controller:1, according to Windows Control Panel, and obviously, it is mapped for a Sony Dualshock pad, or something with a similar button layout. It should work on other controllers, but I have no idea if it will be convenient.

As with any download, I encourage you to scan for viruses, but none are included!
i really aprecciate this info thanks (i know its ûber old but better later than never)


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2005



Originally Posted by luinks
i really aprecciate this info thanks (i know its ûber old but better later than never)
Since you brought it up, you might want to check out this thread as well.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Planet Earth, Sol system, Milky Way galaxy



Originally Posted by luinks
i really aprecciate this info thanks (i know its ûber old but better later than never)
You are welcome.

The above download link still works, but there is a newer(probably final) version of JoyToKey available. Here is a link to an introductory tutorial for JoyToKey, and you may find the latest version(3.79) there as well.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

Purple Ravens


eternal thanks to you guys ñ_ñ