Rune of Absorption global?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

Western Canada

Evil Reign


I really have to hate resorting to ask this question, but I have searched for ages without a firm answer. The Wiki guide seems to indicate the Runes are still global, or at least not location specific - but I can't tell for sure.

I've been out of the game for about a year, and coming back I'm trying to sort out some of the changes. Knights' is no longer global, obviously, but I can't get a positive answer on the runes of absorption for damage reduction.

Are they global now, or were they nerf'd?





Join Date: Oct 2006

Rune of Absorption is still Global.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

Western Canada

Evil Reign


Thanks for the quick reply.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


What do you mean with "global" (my native language isnt english :S)? The way i read "global" is that it works over the whole armor, but the description of a rune of superiour absorption says "non stackable", which i translate as "it only works for this body part"... i am confused now

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


Guildwiki says global, so I'll go with that
(non stackable just means if you use multiple absorption runes you'll only get the effect of one)



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


Yes it is global only on one set of armour now as it use to be able to be used on mixed sets of armour eg. Gladiators with Knights boots.That doesn't work anymore you need the full set to get the absorbtion from the rune on feet.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

All runes are global.

"notstackable" refers to the fact that, you will gain no additional benefit from putting a second rune of the same type (a second Absorption, in this case).
But if you have a comlete knight's armor set, the benefit from the absorbtion rune will stack on top of the armors inherent attribute. Just like an Axe mastery rune's bonus will stack on top of the +1 to axe mastery you get with an executioner's helm.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

Yes it is global only one only on one set of armour now as it use to be able to be used on mixed sets of armour eg. Gladiators with Knights boots.That doesn't work anymore you need the full set to get the absorbtion from the rune on feet.
Is anyone else confused by this?

Rune of Absorption = global, 1 is all you need, anywhere on your armor.
Absorption from Knights armor = local per piece, would need an entire set for full coverage
Absorption from shield or focus = global, good for the whole body

Absorption from all of those stack: the location where you are hit + rune + shield/focus.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


Ok, thanks for clearing that up


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

Western Canada

Evil Reign


Again, thanks. That's how I suspected it all worked, but you saved me a few gold coins in having to experiment myself.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Save The Dragons


i have done alot of testing with this and all runes are global which mean you can but any rune on any part of the armor just you can only use one of each to get the affect adding more of one dosen't add on to it like to can sup swords rune on your chest if you want its still going to work the way its supposed to and absord rune you can put it on your feet if you want it will still asorb through the whole armor you don't have to just get hit in the feet for it to work i don't know why but i spent a close to 200k testing this



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


The best place to put it is on your chest now as it use be on your feet not since the Kinghts/Ascalon armour update and the change to the rune being physical(sp) not all damage.

Is anyone else confused by this?

Rune of Absorption = global, 1 is all you need, anywhere on your armor.
Absorption from Knights armor = local per piece, would need an entire set for full coverage
Absorption from shield or focus = global, good for the whole body

Absorption from all of those stack: the location where you are hit + rune + shield/focus.
I was just wanted to bring the OP up to date.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006

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Gameamp Guides [AMP]

Originally Posted by Age
The best place to put it is on your chest now as it use be on your feet-
Absorbtion works the same no matter what armor piece it is on.
the chest is as good as the feet or the gloves or the leggings.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

The theory is to put the most expensive rune on the chest armor since it costs the most and so is the least likely to be replaced or swapped out. Use hands/feet for swapping out rune/function combos for the build you are using and of course the weapon/main attribute rune should be on the head piece.

If as a warrior you only ever use one weapon (axe, sword or hammer) then it doesn't really matter since you're not changing overall builds. But if you want to do a tactics 16 build then having an alternate set of boots with minor sword in them as opposed to minor strength you just swap the boots and the hat and you're good to go.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

Western Canada

Evil Reign


Originally Posted by DeanBB
The theory is to put the most expensive rune on the chest armor since it costs the most and so is the least likely to be replaced or swapped out. Use hands/feet for swapping out rune/function combos for the build you are using and of course the weapon/main attribute rune should be on the head piece.

If as a warrior you only ever use one weapon (axe, sword or hammer) then it doesn't really matter since you're not changing overall builds. But if you want to do a tactics 16 build then having an alternate set of boots with minor sword in them as opposed to minor strength you just swap the boots and the hat and you're good to go.
That's strategically sound. Good info.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


That would be good but I was told after the update to but it on my chest and I think even Ensign says are right you may not change your chest piece as aften but some ppl have more than 1 full set of armour and at the current prices of the sup. absorbtion rune it would be ok.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Originally Posted by Age
That would be good but I was told after the update to but it on my chest and I think even Ensign says are right you may not change your chest piece as aften but some ppl have more than 1 full set of armour and at the current prices of the sup. absorbtion rune it would be ok.
no, because the rune is global, it doesnt matter where you put it. hands, feet, chest, where ever, it still triggers the same.

i think you may be confusing knights armor and absorption runes. if you were to run one piece of knights (i dont know why you would but whatever), the chest would be the best place to run it, because it has the highest probability to be hit. but again, because absorption runes are global, position doesnt matter.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

Western Canada

Evil Reign


It is cheap now. I actually just tagged them on my boots. Keep my helm according to my weapon, have gloves as strength, and chest as vigor. I actually have a Vitae rune on the leggings, as I hardly use tactics. I might change that a bit.

Might be good to put vigor on chest, absorb on legs, and skip Vitae all together and put tactics/strength on gloves and boots. Then have a extra set of boots with Vitae when you don't have a tactics build (as tactics isn't much use unless you have a tactics based skill, unlike strength)