Alright. I must admit my newbness feeling I have for asking this question - but I must as I've finally have purchased some Elona armor, and it confuses me on how the Insignia's work.
Simply to ask, how do they work? Does one Insignia cover all armor, or are how does this work?
I know, I know...I used my 15k Hydromancer from Citadel for far, far to long. But gold robes are so perty...*druels*
Insignias - Explain
Neriandal Freit
Amity and Truth
There are two types of Insignia... class specific and general insignias. But that is quite easy to distinguish as it each Insignias has the class it is meant for in the name. General Ingnias can be used by every class. Each Insignia is limited to one piece of armor. It gives that certain armor piece the bonus of the Insignia. And only to that single armor piece (locational).
Almost sort of like runes but with one major difference though, you can insert multiple insignias of the same type into your armor (1 per piece) and gain benefit from all of them. Let's say you pack up on 5 Radiant Insignias (for the respective 5 slots available: Head, Chest, Hands, Legs, Foot), they will all have an effect, the quality of the effect depends upon the place where it is put in though (Chest for example gives more than Legs or Hands. Just like it has allways been with Energy Armor in Guildwars (see enchanter set, Druid Set etc).
Almost sort of like runes but with one major difference though, you can insert multiple insignias of the same type into your armor (1 per piece) and gain benefit from all of them. Let's say you pack up on 5 Radiant Insignias (for the respective 5 slots available: Head, Chest, Hands, Legs, Foot), they will all have an effect, the quality of the effect depends upon the place where it is put in though (Chest for example gives more than Legs or Hands. Just like it has allways been with Energy Armor in Guildwars (see enchanter set, Druid Set etc).
Moved to QA because it's a question, not community discussion. And yeah, he's right, you put 1 insignia in per piece of armor, and they generally clarify whether or not they stack.
you can put the same insignia in each piece (think a full set of knights or ascalon armor for warrior) then each piece has the same bonus. Or you can make stonefist boots?!? or radiant insignias (gladiators)... Its all the same armor plus some new mods but you can make any type of armor you want, and use any look you want (of the new armors)