I am finding it hard to start a new guild with things the way they are in GW now.
I, along with 2 of my old Diablo2 buddies started a guild [BOMB] back in may of '05 when Guildwars first went live. Since that time it has grown to a pretty successful guild in that the 40+members are great folks.
I decided a couple of days ago that I wanted a new adventure so I bowed out of [BOMB] to start a new guild with the hopes of building it up to soon ally with them. The game seems to have changed since the original in that there are few folks who want to do anything other than: Farm faction, GvG, or just play with thier heros.
I spent the better part of the last two days seeking out older/mature people to possibly help me start this guild and get it off of the ground. I had zero luck! Seems like most guilds spam for anyone to join them just to get numbers. I, on the other hand, would prefer to grow slowly and make sure I/we get the best folks out there. I hate to sound like an old geezer, but, i am 35 and prefer to game with an older crowd (18+)
Maybe I am just frustrated with what I have seen the last couple of days, but, there has to be a LOT of folks like me who want to enjoy the game without cursing, arguing, or impatient kids hopped up on sugar