Originally Posted by Sombre Assassin
I'm LVL 20 and the missions I'm doing have lvl 24s so heroes get owned. 
Allthough it can be good fun to play with pug's (pick up groups) i do prefer to play with heroes myself (sometimes i help other people who have problems with a particulair mission or quest). Lvl 24 enemies shouldnt be a problem while playing with heroes.
Don't forget that you control your heroes and hencies, so the reason your heroes get owned is probably because you make some errors yourself.
IMO the key to succes:
* Prepare your heroes for battle. Give them good weapons, runes and insignia's so that they deal good damage and that they can survive battles. Downside of this is that it can be very expensive. I probably spend 15-30k on each hero (i already have 30+ maxed heroes, so go figure)
* Give your heroes good builds (good balance between attack/survive). This may be hard for new players who never played older chapters, or who never played many different professions. And try to finds builds where hero X can help hero Y... for example i have setup my warrior heroes with "Victory is Mine" (get health and energy from an enemy that suffers from conditions), so i setup my rangers with poison arrow and/or burning arrow and throw dirt (which are conditions). The warrior itself is using skills that can cause bleeding and deep wound (which are conditions too). My warrior heroes are level 16 tactics, so a skill like "Watch yourself" can be very useful for the whole team (provides extra armor for an amount of time).
* Balance your teams. Find a mix of professions/builds that works for you. I usually use 1 or 2 warriors, 2 or 3 rangers, 1 minion master (level 16 death, but who also is a bit of bloodnecro... works very fine for me) and 2 monks (1 healer, 1 protector). I also like the motivation paragons.
* Don't fight too many enemies at the same time. Often you see a "big group" of enemies, but that usually are more smaller groups close to eachother. A good lure is often key to succes. Therefor make sure NONE of your heroes are set to 'attack'. I always use 'guard' for attacking heroes and for supportheroes, like monks or even my minion master, i pick 'avoid battle'. That way the chance that a hero f**ks up your lure is much smaller. Using your hero/henchie flag can be important too. Plant it there where you want to battle a group (on a place where you dont draw the attention from other groups) and then go lure a group of enemies to that spot.