Focused anger at 16 leadership gives a 160% bonus, thus a single hit generates 2.6 hits of adrenaline. Then 5A attack skill like penetrating chop should be charged in 2 hits. But testing shows that those attacks charge in 3 hits, because the "max 100% adren gain bonus" cap works against this skill, even though it is a single skill and should break through the cap.
This is the 4th time I pointed out this bug. When is it getting fixed?
Focused Anger bug
Because it isn't a bug. It doesn't give a 160% bonus on top of the original, but 160% FASTER.
25 (one strike of adrenaline) x 1.6 = 40
25 x 1.6 + 25 = 65
or 25 x 2.6 = 65
40 x 2 = 80, the cost of most 4 strike skills
40 x 3 = 120, the cost of most 5 strike skills like penatrating chop
Because it isn't a bug. It doesn't give a 160% bonus on top of the original, but 160% FASTER.
25 (one strike of adrenaline) x 1.6 = 40
25 x 1.6 + 25 = 65
or 25 x 2.6 = 65
40 x 2 = 80, the cost of most 4 strike skills
40 x 3 = 120, the cost of most 5 strike skills like penatrating chop
The wording states 160% more adrenaline. Apparently it works as advertised up to 100% and then no further. You should be gaining 65 (25 + 1.6x25) points per strike, not 40. I misunderstood as well in the beginning.
Originally Posted by HawkofStroms
Because it isn't a bug. It doesn't give a 160% bonus on top of the original, but 160% FASTER.
Skye Marin
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Because it isn't a bug. It doesn't give a 160% bonus on top of the original, but 160% FASTER. 25 (one strike of adrenaline) x 1.6 = 40 NOT 25 x 1.6 + 25 = 65 or 25 x 2.6 = 65 |
By your suggestion, you would only gain half adreniline at 5 Leadership.
Yea, I clearly get 50 adrenaline or 2 strikes with 10 attribute(+100%), but I can't seem to charge 5 adren skill with 2 hits even when I should be getting 2.6 strikes(+160%).
Yes it is bugged...but that doesn't prevent my Morghan from using it