The enemy numeric level system, is not working.
Enchanted Warrior
Why? When a couple of level 3 grawls can quickly kill a level 20 player, it seems to me the level system is not working. Level 3's should not even be a nuisance for a level 20 ANYTHING. So why are they? My guess anti-farming measures added in game since Nightfall was added. Clearly the AI is running amok and the dev's are trying to fix it, but as is, Bleh.. I still have mobs chase me through portals, or until they finish casting etc. At this point I figure the devs want it that way and wil do nothing to change it.
I think a real in depth discussion is warranted by the developing staff to discuss the future of the game. Sure we all love the genre and have invested a great deal of time in developing our beloved characters. But we are like children in a toy store, first we want to play with that toy, then something else shiny and new catches our eye and we're off chasing it instead. To that end, simply thinking "We can do whatever we like to the game and they can like it or leave" is going to spell the end of the game.
I've been online long enough (since 96 or so) and have seen many things come and go. I wonder what the life expectency of an online game such as GW or wow, etc... is. (please, let's not get into a debate which it better, it's really not important)
But I digress, simply put with the way the game works now. I'd say drop the numbers from the mobs, a level 3 can be as dangerous as a level 28, so the new user is really lost if they think a level 20 rules all those half it's level or lower. Oh and before you blame the devs for this, don't. Blame the bot users, gold farmers, hard core chest runners, selling stuff on ebay and elsewhere. They are slowly killing this game and others. I came from SWG I know what it's like to see a once popular game die.
I think a real in depth discussion is warranted by the developing staff to discuss the future of the game. Sure we all love the genre and have invested a great deal of time in developing our beloved characters. But we are like children in a toy store, first we want to play with that toy, then something else shiny and new catches our eye and we're off chasing it instead. To that end, simply thinking "We can do whatever we like to the game and they can like it or leave" is going to spell the end of the game.
I've been online long enough (since 96 or so) and have seen many things come and go. I wonder what the life expectency of an online game such as GW or wow, etc... is. (please, let's not get into a debate which it better, it's really not important)
But I digress, simply put with the way the game works now. I'd say drop the numbers from the mobs, a level 3 can be as dangerous as a level 28, so the new user is really lost if they think a level 20 rules all those half it's level or lower. Oh and before you blame the devs for this, don't. Blame the bot users, gold farmers, hard core chest runners, selling stuff on ebay and elsewhere. They are slowly killing this game and others. I came from SWG I know what it's like to see a once popular game die.
I've never had the problem of being killed by level 3 monsters. Where exactly is this happening?
Blame the Monks
Level doesn't matter. Winning fights in GW is based on skill, not time spent leveling. In the case of PvE, "skill" being having somewhat decent skills on your bar and playing with a party of semi competent heros/hench/humans.
And if someone really died to a level 3 mob as a level 20, they need to consider playing another game. Like pattycakes.
And if someone really died to a level 3 mob as a level 20, they need to consider playing another game. Like pattycakes.
I'm not sure I understand the question you are posing.
1. How are level 3 mobs beating your level 20 character?
2. Why is it inherent that level 3 mobs "should not" be a problem for your level 20 character? (I have to assume that you are doing something solo, perhaps running people from Ascalon to LA?)
3. How is this in any way affecting the time frame GW will be around?
4. How is it that monsters following you is an inherent flaw in AI? If you were a monster and wanted to kill things, wouldn't you follow them to? Not to mention, I have had no problem "breaking aggro" in any PvE recently.
5. The OP's post mentions a lot of things, but I fail to see how they all relate to each other. In other words how do Level 3 Mobs vs. Level 20 Character -> AI -> Toy Stores -> Development Ideas -> The future of GW -> Bots -> Chest Runners?
I'm not trying to flame or anything, but I don't see any identifiable question in here, and I am trying to figure out what you are looking for an opinion on.
1. How are level 3 mobs beating your level 20 character?
2. Why is it inherent that level 3 mobs "should not" be a problem for your level 20 character? (I have to assume that you are doing something solo, perhaps running people from Ascalon to LA?)
3. How is this in any way affecting the time frame GW will be around?
4. How is it that monsters following you is an inherent flaw in AI? If you were a monster and wanted to kill things, wouldn't you follow them to? Not to mention, I have had no problem "breaking aggro" in any PvE recently.
5. The OP's post mentions a lot of things, but I fail to see how they all relate to each other. In other words how do Level 3 Mobs vs. Level 20 Character -> AI -> Toy Stores -> Development Ideas -> The future of GW -> Bots -> Chest Runners?
I'm not trying to flame or anything, but I don't see any identifiable question in here, and I am trying to figure out what you are looking for an opinion on.
Enchanted Warrior
I just remembered why I stopped posting. LOL Nevermind.. I am simply saying what others have voiced in game. Gotta get back to work, or I'd reply in more depth now.
Jeff Highwind
This thread astounds me. Dude probably has NO Defensive skills or self heal whatsoever and thinks he can leroy anything without being dented.
And the AI has changed so no one can solo-run anymore and the monsters make sure their target dies despite their own strength. It was intended, gfg.
And the AI has changed so no one can solo-run anymore and the monsters make sure their target dies despite their own strength. It was intended, gfg.
Originally Posted by Enchanted Warrior
Why? When a couple of level 3 grawls can quickly kill a level 20 player, it seems to me the level system is not working. Level 3's should not even be a nuisance for a level 20 ANYTHING. So why are they?

Enchanted Warrior
(I'm gonna get in so much trouble for not getting back to work lol).
I take the heat, cause those that wanna flame me, so what..
I just think the way the AI is now, favors the hard core gamer and lets the casual player out in the cold. If they (GW) keep this up, they can kiss off massive sales in the future IMHO.
*scoots off back to work*
I take the heat, cause those that wanna flame me, so what..

I just think the way the AI is now, favors the hard core gamer and lets the casual player out in the cold. If they (GW) keep this up, they can kiss off massive sales in the future IMHO.
*scoots off back to work*
Level 3 mobs AREN'T a problem to level 20 characters.
There was the one time this happened to me. I was swarmed and had nothing to stop knock downs, those hammer grawls prevented me from doing anything. The few attcks I was able to get off were healed by all the monks there. At that time I just had to leave. Since then Doylack sig or balance stance.
This was on the road to Surmia. So it is possible, especially if one is not prepared for the area.
This was long before any of the AI updates, so I can't blame the updates for that one.
This was on the road to Surmia. So it is possible, especially if one is not prepared for the area.
This was long before any of the AI updates, so I can't blame the updates for that one.
No one's flaming you. We're all just trying to figure out how a level 20 got killed by level 3 Grawls. You didn't give any information. Where did it happen? What class was the level 20? What class were the Grawls? What skills were being used? Armor? Weapons? Shield/Focus? All of this stuff is important, and you haven't touched on any of it.
If a naked level 20 Necro went melee with nothing no his skillbar against Level 3 grawls, he would lose. And it would prove... absolutely nothing.
Answer the above, and people might be able to give you useful answers. That said, I think the AI is better than it used to be. I mean, sure, it was easier when AI didn't get out of the way of AoE damage, but it was boring. Now you've gotta think. If you drop certain spells, you know bad guys are going to scatter. Do you bring a snare? Degen? A spell to finish them off if they run?
That said, count me with the people who don't know what that has to do with bots or chest runners.
If a naked level 20 Necro went melee with nothing no his skillbar against Level 3 grawls, he would lose. And it would prove... absolutely nothing.
Answer the above, and people might be able to give you useful answers. That said, I think the AI is better than it used to be. I mean, sure, it was easier when AI didn't get out of the way of AoE damage, but it was boring. Now you've gotta think. If you drop certain spells, you know bad guys are going to scatter. Do you bring a snare? Degen? A spell to finish them off if they run?
That said, count me with the people who don't know what that has to do with bots or chest runners.
If a level 20 is dying to a level 3, they must be afk. Seriously. The game's not too hard, if it's anything it's too easy, and that's coming from a casual player. Dumbing down the game would be the wrong way to go.
Killed by some level 3's? OK, whatever. How is it then that I took my level 20 elementalist back and solo'd Altheas Ashes? I seem to remember those enemies being higher than level 3. Maybe it is only those which are specifically level 3 that are so dangerous?
I'd have to say I'm a casual player, can't even remember the last time I farmed anything - oh wait I did farm low level critters for Christmas items. How did I survive - - I think some of them were level 3!?!
I'd have to say I'm a casual player, can't even remember the last time I farmed anything - oh wait I did farm low level critters for Christmas items. How did I survive - - I think some of them were level 3!?!
I think you just had a run of bad luck. The same thing happened to me in Old Ascalon when I was leveling up Koss. Two mobs of Grawl merged and destroyed me. Just be on your guard next time. I usually just kite until I can come up with a plan. *lol*
Originally Posted by Enchanted Warrior

Kern Wolf
If level 3 Grawls killed your level 20 character, then I guess those level 7 Charr must be pure hell.....
i can imagine it's very easy to get killed by level 3 mobs if you're surrounded by them, and either don't have the appropriate skills, or they have interrupts.
pretty realistic! real life, if you were surrounded by enough 10 year olds, they could finish you too!
pretty realistic! real life, if you were surrounded by enough 10 year olds, they could finish you too!
I soloed level 7 and level 8 Gargoyles naked (other than my Santa Hat) with nothing but a candy cane axe and peppermint shield during Wintersday. I'm baffled as to how someone could die to anything that low of a level, unless they went afk for like 15 minutes and got degened to death.
By the way, I agree that level doesn't equate to difficulty. I personally can't believe that the grawl in Witman's Folly are Level 22...they are by far some of the easiest enemy creatures out there.
an even better real life example... one bee sting doesn't usually hurt you too bad, but 100, and you're dead.
of course, if you're getting killed by mobs of size 2 or 3, then something's terribly wrong.
of course, if you're getting killed by mobs of size 2 or 3, then something's terribly wrong.
@OP - You owe me 2 minutes of my life for this stinkin thread....
@OP - You owe me 2 minutes of my life for this stinkin thread....
I hope to God he doesn't work security anywhere..... sheesh!
Tuor Son Of Huor
Basically what the OP is "reporting" is a rumor. Rumors like "OMG lvl 3s are sooo hard!!" do nothing to further the gaming experience and serve no purpose other than to attract flames and cause hue and cry over nothing.
This "person" who told you about this? Ask him what he was doing. 9 times out of 10 a lvl 20 being killed by lvl 3 mobs can be attributed to a noob player - NOT a "flaw" in GW's gameplaying dynamic.
You *should* concentrate on work, and remember not to believe everything you hear in-game.
Right after the release of factions, I decided that I would have a little fun. So I stood in Hero's Audience, Seeker's Passage and Dunes of Despair and spammed in local chat:
"Paying 3K for runner to Amon Rarth - new desert town"
You wouldnt believe the number of PMs I got saying "where is it" or "I'll take you for 5K".
I had fun with that one
This "person" who told you about this? Ask him what he was doing. 9 times out of 10 a lvl 20 being killed by lvl 3 mobs can be attributed to a noob player - NOT a "flaw" in GW's gameplaying dynamic.
You *should* concentrate on work, and remember not to believe everything you hear in-game.
Right after the release of factions, I decided that I would have a little fun. So I stood in Hero's Audience, Seeker's Passage and Dunes of Despair and spammed in local chat:
"Paying 3K for runner to Amon Rarth - new desert town"
You wouldnt believe the number of PMs I got saying "where is it" or "I'll take you for 5K".
I had fun with that one
If you don't even have the time to explain what you are posting, just don't post at all.
Level 3's unless there are A TON of them will never beat a level 20 unless you are trying to die.
Level 3's unless there are A TON of them will never beat a level 20 unless you are trying to die.