Originally Posted by Dzus
While relitively expensive to set up as a farmer, a Monk has no problem filling a PvE/PvP/Farming role. Naturally all the builds are all different, but once you get rolling it can be a fairly fun and rewarding character.
Actually the price to setup an monk for farming as been reduced dramaticly, 3 out of the 4 superior runes have dropped from around 7 - 8 kish (and even more at times) to arond 500g - 1k.
also the +5 energy swords/axes are very easy to get: even possible through a free collector in nightfall for a +5 energy machete. (and why do I still use this, because it puts you at melee distance when you hit attack, so you can do the tanking easy) A +20% longer enchantment mod for it can be found for around 15k-20k
if your looking for a +5 energy axe, just go buy the one in amnoon oasis (=2k) from the weaponsmith (=max dmg, but this actually doesn't matter) and look for a longer enchantment mod for axe (around 10-15k)
And even with the inscription system in nightfall you can almost make any nightfall skin with an inscription slot having a +5 energy inscription
But for more info about farming in general: you can find that in the specific farming threads on this board too.