There is a scam that I have witnessed, although I did not fall for it where people advertise that they are selling Black Dye but they put Gray Dye onto the trade screen instead. These items look similar, until you put your mouse on them and read there name. I am proposing that you make Black Dye darker so that it is easier to tell the difference between them.
-Just a simple change that could end up saving a lot of people a lot of gold.
If you are posting something on the lines of: Just look at the trade screen, Think back to Morgen's scamming spree.
Example: Not an Idea:
He made over 3 sets of FoW armor by simply changing the amount of gold on the trade screen in under .2 seconds.
---So Anet decided to make it say "This offer has been modified. Please Check It Carefully."
....Then they made it so that he couldn't trade 8k for 10 ecto's and make it look like he traded for 1 by making the trade say how many of a material was
traded, rather than just saying ----- Traded you Glob of Ectoplasm.
So why cant the dumb dye thing be fixed as well? They went through so much trouble to fix gold changing
Change Black/Gray Dye's - Scam Prevention
/Not Signed.
Human stupidity is infinite. Can't fix stupid.
Human stupidity is infinite. Can't fix stupid.
How much darker can black get?
/not signed
And why is the title of the post "Change Grey Dyes" when you are asking to change Black Dyes?
And why is the title of the post "Change Grey Dyes" when you are asking to change Black Dyes?
Move your cursor to the dye, and read the name of it.
Move your cursor to the dye, and read the name of it.
Originally Posted by Mournblade
And why is the title of the post "Change Grey Dyes" when you are asking to change Black Dyes?
Thread title changed to fit the idea better.
Njaiguni Blaze
Just watch watch you're trading, as always.
Why don't they just put initials on each of the vial graphics? Easy to read. Hard to scam. Problem solved.
Bl - Black
Gy - Gray
Gr - Green
Be - Blue
Rd - Red
Or - Orange
Yw - Yellow
Br - Brown
Sl - Silver
Wt - White
Pr - Purple
The labels could even be done with lettering similar to what's seen on tablets and signs throughout the lands, but that might be slightly more confusing than regular letters.
Bl - Black
Gy - Gray
Gr - Green
Be - Blue
Rd - Red
Or - Orange
Yw - Yellow
Br - Brown
Sl - Silver
Wt - White
Pr - Purple
The labels could even be done with lettering similar to what's seen on tablets and signs throughout the lands, but that might be slightly more confusing than regular letters.
I'm sorry, but anyone who mistakes a gray dye for a black dye should really get there eyes checked.
ummm who the hell isnt smart enuff to mouse over the item they are being traded?
Pan Head
stupid is forever. there will always be someone get ganked for not paying attention.