Eternal Swords?
Jeremy Untouchable
Some guy was selling one at kamadan dis 1 100k and 50 ectos, he wouldnt show me and i wonder if its a hoax?...I did a google search and nothing on it..can anyone lend some insite on this?
I'd say a hoax due to the fact he wouldn't back it up. Though you never know what they may add in.
Jeremy Untouchable
yeah, he said he sold it before he could show me
The only thing I came up with was this post.
That's photoshoped...and a bad job of it too...
lambda the great
Those guys in Heroes' ascent, The NPC warriors have eternal swords, but in game and a player having the sword...nahhh
Ok that's stupid, why sell a sword if you're not gonna show it?
do you still have the seller's name?
Originally Posted by Relnor
That's photoshoped...and a bad job of it too...

Morgoth the dark
Originally Posted by Relnor
That's photoshoped...and a bad job of it too...
Originally Posted by Morgoth the dark
it's not a photoshop, it's a warrior in HA (zaishen warrior) and he HAS eternal sword.
Originally Posted by daraaksii
And on the picture, an assassin wielding it, if I can see it right on this dark picture....
Anyone can go to Crystal desert and see Ghostly hero wielding it in outposts...
I have heard of them and only ever seen one that a guild member got from a drop. Very rare skin. Is it worth what the seller was trying to get? Not on your life. Anything that I have to go out and get Ecto's for and requires a large investment of gold isn't worth the time or trouble. Give me a good sundering Fellblade anytime and I am happy. I wont pay over 25k for any weapon or offhand. They are not worth it when you can go out and get it yourself most times.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
This place isn't a rumor mill. Closed.