Petition for A-Net to fix Aspenwood/Jade Leech problem
I started a new char and brought him through Nightfall, Prof, and then Factions. I was in Aspenwood building up Faction points and noticed that there is a problem of leeches. Those annoying people that join a group and do nothing but stand there and collect points off of the hard work of others. This is a petition to please ask A-net to fix this problem. A list of leech names might also work. If you could sign on and give ideas if you have any. My suggestions include a 2 min skill or action timer, group kick option or their address where I can drive to their house and beat them up. I swear I will drive cross country to find them.
I suggest you do your cross-country driving on your own time and not involve anyone here. Also,
Search: leecher
Search: leecher