a couple of questions, please read/help


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

ok well i installed GW last night etc. i got to the part where im supposed to create a character and first off it gives me two options RPGing or PvP-only(i know what both mean and are terms wise, but could you guys explain to me what each option has to offer). Anyways my first character i created a PvP character and thats great and all but when i click "play" and i try to connect there is a big download screem each time that i have to download 5000+ files, 32+ MB etc and it takes FOREEVER!! like maybe an hour which is obviously rediculous and im guessing theres something wrong. So if you could let me know, the biggest problem for me is, is it normal to when connecting ech time you have to go through the download?

Kuldebar Valiturus

Kuldebar Valiturus

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2006

Garden City, Idaho

The Order of Relumination (TOoR)


Simply put:

A PVP character is already leveled and can only be used for PvP.

An RPG character needs to level up and can do PvP.

The large downloads are happening because you are new to the game. You may wish to use the -image switch before going to bed one night so your installation can be fully updated. You only need to use -image occasionally.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

ok thank you very much, yes simply put indeed, but could you please answer my problem concerning connections



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005


The long load time will go away when you have downloaded all the files. The problem is: Do you have any bandwith limitations, or dial-up? If you do you are in a bit of a jam, if not best thing to do is activate the game, don't log in and just let them download, no matter how long it takes. Once the complete game downloads, then you can have fun.

We all had to go through the download, unfortunately there is no way around it. You'll find the download completes faster if it doesn't have to compete with the gameplay.

Character creation.

PvP: starts off at lvl 20 and can only play the arenas guild vs guild and the hall of heros, it has max base armor and a general weapon.

The advantage is you don't have to play the story to get to the max lvl.

The disadvantage is you can't play the story, and you have to delete the character to upgrade, but once something is unlocked you can have it as manytimes as you start a new character.

RPG: starts off at lvl 1 and has low armor and weapon, you can still PvP but without many skills it can be difficult to win, you can upgrade and customize your armor and weapons without starting over, but those upgrades are generally one time use only.

The advatage is that you can both RPG and PvP.

The disatvantage is you have to grind a bit to become maxed out.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

When not at Aziure's Wizard Tower you can find my in Belgium

Knigths of the Keyboard Order - KkO

Since your new to gw you'll need the game data, and you'll have to download that to get started, but that is only once (unless your going to un-install it every single time off course ). Once you have this crucial data, you'll only be loading minor updates in the future.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

ok guys thank you for this info..just wondering how many of these downloads are there would you say..thanks



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005


upwards of 2.75 gigs worth, or there abouts.

you just have to grit your teeth, and wait.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006

Officer's Club

Gameamp Guides [AMP]

go to the shortcut to guild wars on your desktop, and right click it and select properties.
change it by adding -image after a space at the very end of the shortcut so it looks like this :
"c/not/sure/what/it/says/here/guildwars.exe" -image

then double click and watch the fascinating download process.
then go to bed
when you wake up if it is done, remove the -image from the end of your shortcut and enjoy !

Kuldebar Valiturus

Kuldebar Valiturus

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2006

Garden City, Idaho

The Order of Relumination (TOoR)


"C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -image

After the download process is successfully concluded (after a while) remove -image from the short cut command line.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006

Officer's Club

Gameamp Guides [AMP]

yeah thats what i meant thanx im not at a pc with GW in it atm