Originally Posted by Billiard
We got some cool information for folks that I wanted to get passed on right away. So while I will be posting more detailed articles and information, please pass on the following information to our members:
1. Next weekend, starting February 2nd, will be another Public Skill Testing weekend like the one we just had. Based on the feedback they received, some skills have been tweaked and these tweaks will go live for further testing. Depending on how things go there may be some additional tweaks to skills during the weekend. At the end of the weekend the plan is to make all of the skill changes permanent. More information should be forthcoming soon. 2. A new event is in the works - Canthan New Year. This will be celebrated primarily in Cantha, but also outside as well, but to a lesser extent. This event will include a new game with a unique new in game prize for top performers, new quests, and new NPCs. Spooky, a past Admin for GWGuru is one of the devs working on this. I have more details on the event, the game, and the prizes that I will post later. |
Breaking News From ArenaNet HQ - Public Skill Testing & New Event
From our attendee Billiard!
So..Canthan holidays are celebrated outside in Tyria and Elona,but Elonian/Tyrian holidays aren't celebrated in Cantha.
Way to show dem canthan bitches whos da boss.
As for the skill balance,I look forward to the hilarity.
Way to show dem canthan bitches whos da boss.
As for the skill balance,I look forward to the hilarity.
Neriandal Freit
Canthan New Year.
Awesome! That's something that fits properly into Guild Wars!
Edit: Which makes me wonder - Does anyone know the next animal in-line for the Chinese Zodiac? Perhaps we will see it in the Canthan New Year celebration. (Or, Guildwars version of it. IE: Tengu)
Awesome! That's something that fits properly into Guild Wars!
Edit: Which makes me wonder - Does anyone know the next animal in-line for the Chinese Zodiac? Perhaps we will see it in the Canthan New Year celebration. (Or, Guildwars version of it. IE: Tengu)
Jecht Scye
Year of the Devourer...I mean...erm.
o.o neato..
hopefully all skill changes will get public feedback before going final from now on.
hopefully all skill changes will get public feedback before going final from now on.
More free gifts from Anet...
More "fans" complaining about them...
More "fans" complaining about them...
LOL, so much negativity! All right, my comments...
First off, THANK YOU BILLIARD! Pretty cool he's there and I hope he nabs lots of pictures and gets a lot of the communities questions answered that were submitted.
Second, the Canthan New Year had me chuckling. If you guys haven't checked out the video from TRUEgamer on the Wintersday 2006 you'll see why I'm chuckling. STARNEWS23 EPISODE ONE: Bring me your candycane shards. Canthan's are getting some love!
And I'm happy to see that the devs found the open public test useful and that they will continue to let us participate in these.
First off, THANK YOU BILLIARD! Pretty cool he's there and I hope he nabs lots of pictures and gets a lot of the communities questions answered that were submitted.
Second, the Canthan New Year had me chuckling. If you guys haven't checked out the video from TRUEgamer on the Wintersday 2006 you'll see why I'm chuckling. STARNEWS23 EPISODE ONE: Bring me your candycane shards. Canthan's are getting some love!
And I'm happy to see that the devs found the open public test useful and that they will continue to let us participate in these.
I think this is exciting news. I'm glad Cantha is getting a little love. I assume this is supposed to be something like the Chinese New Year? Anyway, I'm sure it'll be fun.
Thanks Billiard!
Thanks Billiard!
Originally Posted by Neriandal Freit
Edit: Which makes me wonder - Does anyone know the next animal in-line for the Chinese Zodiac? Perhaps we will see it in the Canthan New Year celebration. (Or, Guildwars version of it. IE: Tengu)
By the way, the order of the Chinese Zodiac Signs is
1. Rat
2. Ox
3. Tiger
4. Rabbit
5. Dragon
6. Snake
7. Horse
8. Sheep
9. Monkey
10. Rooster
11. Dog
12. Pig
I like that. Soon each chapter will have its special kind of event.
Also looking forward to the test weekend. Let's see what they changed.
Also looking forward to the test weekend. Let's see what they changed.
Marth Reynolds
sounds intresting, i wonder what that event will be like
Cool, thanks for the news, I was really wondering when the skill changes were going to take place. I'll leave speculation for another thread.
Originally Posted by Inde
First off, THANK YOU BILLIARD! Pretty cool he's there and I hope he nabs lots of pictures and gets a lot of the communities questions answered that were submitted. |
So what I am thinking is a trip report, a dev's roundtable report, something about how GW is designed and things are built, something on the Canthan New Year Event, and then probably a misc article to cover all the other tidbits I picked up. It will take me some time to draft everything up, and I'll probably work on them one at a time, so when I have them ready will be spread out over a couple weeks. It's been a great trip and I've been so excited that I have hardly been able to sleep at all!
Canthan New Year! Awesome!
Yay! Greatly looking forward to it! Mmmm rice wine....
Both of those points are excellent news. Thanks guys!

Lynx Of Ithorian
Great , looking forward to it ! (the skill balance)
Tark Alkerk
Originally Posted by Billiard
Yep lots of pictures and lots of notes to write up! I'll be working on a series of articles to cover the trip as one single piece to cover it all would be way too long (just the draft write-up from my first day is 4 pages already!).
So what I am thinking is a trip report, a dev's roundtable report, something about how GW is designed and things are built, something on the Canthan New Year Event, and then probably a misc article to cover all the other tidbits I picked up. It will take me some time to draft everything up, and I'll probably work on them one at a time, so when I have them ready will be spread out over a couple weeks. It's been a great trip and I've been so excited that I have hardly been able to sleep at all! |
all the posts are so negative, i thought i was going to have to wait till easter to get a hew hat, also i am glad that they are running anither test weekend, mainly because it means that skill balance changes might be more rounded and also these testing weekend events give me somthing to do.

Garreth MacLeod
This is some great news. I'm looking forward to those articles.
Negativity seems to abound whenever there are changes. I find this to be true in real life as well and am not surprised to see it happens in a game. Change makes most people...uncomfortable.
Negativity seems to abound whenever there are changes. I find this to be true in real life as well and am not surprised to see it happens in a game. Change makes most people...uncomfortable.
Originally Posted by Sora
The next one would be Year of Pig.
They should have an army of warthogs for that event. All of them going "Oink!".
Canthan theme is one from my favorites, expect city area.
some say the year of the boar.....and the chinese new year is on February 18th this year (a bit late I think).....so I hope the canthan celebration isnt boar-ing!

hope they did listen to us about the skills.....nerfing some of that list would be brutal.

hope they did listen to us about the skills.....nerfing some of that list would be brutal.
I have always wondered what happened to Spooky.
It’s good to see a renewed interest in Cantha. Hopefully we can see some more Canthan events.
Nightfall is great but there is something about Cantha and Shing Jea Island that warms the heart.
Nightfall is great but there is something about Cantha and Shing Jea Island that warms the heart.
No news on the Daily Automated GvG tournaments? 36 days and counting...
Originally Posted by Inde
LOL, so much negativity! All right, my comments...
First off, THANK YOU BILLIARD! Pretty cool he's there and I hope he nabs lots of pictures and gets a lot of the communities questions answered that were submitted. Second, the Canthan New Year had me chuckling. If you guys haven't checked out the video from TRUEgamer on the Wintersday 2006 you'll see why I'm chuckling. STARNEWS23 EPISODE ONE: Bring me your candycane shards. Canthan's are getting some love |
Originally Posted by Melody The Mesmer
Anet Hates you guys! Yes all of you.
Ariena Najea
I think it's great that Cantha is getting some more fun, I started playing on Factions and am disappointed at the way things have turned out. It seems like many outposts are simply ghost towns, so it's nice that Cantha gets another fun event.
Skill balances are nice too, maybe they'll kill SF =D
Skill balances are nice too, maybe they'll kill SF =D
Thank you Billiard for the report. Both items are great news.
The player participation in testing and critiquing the skill changes seems to have revitalized the community.
And, personally, I can't wait for the Canthan New Year celebration. MORE HATS.
@Inde - I also watched the video, which was very entertaining. Poor Cantha, no snow = no Winterfest. Also can't wait to see the video for this new one.
The player participation in testing and critiquing the skill changes seems to have revitalized the community.
And, personally, I can't wait for the Canthan New Year celebration. MORE HATS.
@Inde - I also watched the video, which was very entertaining. Poor Cantha, no snow = no Winterfest. Also can't wait to see the video for this new one.
Originally Posted by Vital
No news on the Daily Automated GvG tournaments? 36 days and counting...
Jeff Highwind
This thread is quite relevant to my interests. If the Sin and various other skill changes become permanent I will be QUITE Pleased.
And yay for Canthan New Year, another economic exploit for me.
And yay for Canthan New Year, another economic exploit for me.

GvG tournament delay = sad me. And possibly a mass revolt (or exodus) from the GvG crowd.
It would have been superior just to run the Nightfall championship as the original and Factions championships were run, holding back the automated tournaments until they were ready. The GvG game is bleeding players, in my unscientific estimation, because of this delay. There's a possibility that many will not return.
HvH Ladder news?
It would have been superior just to run the Nightfall championship as the original and Factions championships were run, holding back the automated tournaments until they were ready. The GvG game is bleeding players, in my unscientific estimation, because of this delay. There's a possibility that many will not return.
HvH Ladder news?
The Last Cruzader
Woot! another test weekend ^^
Originally Posted by Billiard
They are going to be delayed. Izzy said they know how much the PvP folks have been anticipating them and they want to get them out as soon as possible, but some things have come up and I was hearing into February at least. I asked to get some more hard info out to players about the tournaments and he said they are working on it, but no promises on anything. There is a lot going on behind the scenes it seems with this.
Good job, Billiard, can't wait to read it up!
Event: great news! Look forward to seeing what this one is like.
I don't want my second statement to be negative, but I really only get to play much on the weekend, and I'm now tired of skills being different and kinda random each weekend. I'm for closed testing, and letting Anet testers earn their money instead of us doing their work for them.
I don't want my second statement to be negative, but I really only get to play much on the weekend, and I'm now tired of skills being different and kinda random each weekend. I'm for closed testing, and letting Anet testers earn their money instead of us doing their work for them.
Are they going to release a list of the skill changes a few days beforehand? Considering how long it's taken to get to this point I think that isn't too much to ask.
Hopfully they do better with the balances on the test this time. Delay on AT's makes me QQ, it's all I'm staying around for, and if they end up not refreshing the GvG game, I'll be moving on.
Ewww... Cantha for the lose
At least they're taking another look at the skill changes which is nice.

At least they're taking another look at the skill changes which is nice.
Actually they are trying to revitalize the game!
I found this article published on 26-oct-2007.
He reviewed GW and said that they had 2.5 million player base, which could mean that they had sold 2.5 million units.
Then on 13-dec-2007, A-net anounced that they sold 3 million units, which included Nightfall sales. That means that at that time less than 500,000 units were sold.
I don't know about your math, but mine says that 1/2 a mil units world wide is bad sales numbers.
Heck even the BK xbox games have sold 2 mil.
Granted NF standard was 11th in sales for oct and the CE was 16th.
I found this article published on 26-oct-2007.
He reviewed GW and said that they had 2.5 million player base, which could mean that they had sold 2.5 million units.
Then on 13-dec-2007, A-net anounced that they sold 3 million units, which included Nightfall sales. That means that at that time less than 500,000 units were sold.
I don't know about your math, but mine says that 1/2 a mil units world wide is bad sales numbers.
Heck even the BK xbox games have sold 2 mil.
Granted NF standard was 11th in sales for oct and the CE was 16th.
Warmaster Patton
Not another Factions hater, c'mon get over it if you didn't like it.
I can't wait, more hats! We already got a dragon hat, which is sorta New Yearsy in China, so maybe a birthday hat thing? it would be cool if you got a popper (you know things that you pull the string and confetti comes out) as a weapon or maybe a PvP thing with them.
I can't wait, more hats! We already got a dragon hat, which is sorta New Yearsy in China, so maybe a birthday hat thing? it would be cool if you got a popper (you know things that you pull the string and confetti comes out) as a weapon or maybe a PvP thing with them.