i just started (Nightfall) and im asking:
i see i can play with some1 only 2 ways, if i invite like a crazy all guys around or if i hit the Search button, but there are no games usually (??). So my questions is what is this game, where we have not a big games list we can join like in Diablo for example (a game like this).
Why Search button show only 1-2 games (missions or hunt). What players doing usually? playing alone or only pvp? Or there are more games in list but i cant see cuz im low lvl?
other crap thing in this game is if we play alone we cant meet accidentally other players in areas... thats bored.
other question, my game run almost fine, but my CPU usage is 100% (even with low options). Is that ok if im playing hours with this 100% ? I have celeron 1700mgh, radeon 9950, 512 ram. Dont worry i have no viruses, is 100 % because the game (and the antivirus or firewall disabled)
surprised noob
Welcome to Guild Wars.
Quests and Missions: Look around town (press "alt") and you'll see NPCs with Icons over their heads. They have quests for you to do. The Primary quests (press L to see your quest list) advance the story line and will take you from one Mission to the next.The other quests are for gaining XP and loot. Missions are "main events" in the story line.
Joining Groups: For the most part, in the beginning stages of Nightfall, everyone just runs around doing quests & missions with Henchmen (you'll see them in every town) and heros. Once you get a bit further into the game (arund the 4th mission), people are more likely to group up.To join a group of players, put a "LFG" message in All Chat - be sure to state your profession & level, and what you want to do. Example: "P/R 10, LFG for mission." (translated: "Paragon/Ranger, level 10, Looking For Group for mission")
And yeah, the only place you'll interact with other players is in town. Unfortunately, there are only a few places where people congregate and chat. Some places, Like Kamadan districts 1 & 2 are full of people just trying to sell things (WTS / WTB spam).
Quests and Missions: Look around town (press "alt") and you'll see NPCs with Icons over their heads. They have quests for you to do. The Primary quests (press L to see your quest list) advance the story line and will take you from one Mission to the next.The other quests are for gaining XP and loot. Missions are "main events" in the story line.
Joining Groups: For the most part, in the beginning stages of Nightfall, everyone just runs around doing quests & missions with Henchmen (you'll see them in every town) and heros. Once you get a bit further into the game (arund the 4th mission), people are more likely to group up.To join a group of players, put a "LFG" message in All Chat - be sure to state your profession & level, and what you want to do. Example: "P/R 10, LFG for mission." (translated: "Paragon/Ranger, level 10, Looking For Group for mission")
And yeah, the only place you'll interact with other players is in town. Unfortunately, there are only a few places where people congregate and chat. Some places, Like Kamadan districts 1 & 2 are full of people just trying to sell things (WTS / WTB spam).
I was frustrated with GW's instanced nature at first too.... in fact i still am.... er.... never mind.
I agree with Kook. in the beginings of Nightfall most players are trying out the Hero's. But the novelty runs out quick.Best thing to do is to go as far as you can by yourself then get into groups when needed. As far as your cpu usage it should never be 100%. Not sure what you have running in the background but that may be the culprit and not GW. One other thing that you should concider doing is getting more ram. At the moment you have the bare minimum to run Windows and Guild Wars at the same time. This could cause problems that you may not see yet. Upgrading to 1 gig (2 gigs is even better) will give you a good performance boost cheep. Everything else seems fine. Also never disable your firewall and antivirus programs as that invites disaster.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
100 % is extremely common (mine is 100 %) and was covered in detail long ago. and i an not even close to minimum on specs
the ones that show 50 % by co incidence are hyperthread/dual core and a task manager screen shot showed BOTH processors side by side at 50 % each.
50 % plus 50 % still equals 100 %.
it is normal/common
And information on the game - including quests/missions etc can be found at guildwiki.org
Originally Posted by MegaMouse
At the moment you have the bare minimum to run Windows and Guild Wars at the same time. This could cause problems that you may not see yet. Mega Mouse
u say disabling antivirus or firewall is a disaster but u wrong heh, because while playing especially antivirus should be off, there are no viruses in games usually. Same think about big and safe sites usually.
about the game, until i buy another strong computer, dont know if ill continue, anyway im still stuck in this game with my poor computer also, for example i dont know where to put the points in my dervish (i prefer not in scyte cuz i want ranged atack) and how or where to improve my equipament... Dont worry, i saw the Dervish forum and builds (but there no builds posted), but is like in chinese for me
A Dervish is not a ranged fighter. You need to read up on the different professions http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Main_Page
There is a builds section there also, but as Dervish's magic is used mainly to buff his/her attacks, I don't think you'll find any that don't include putting points in scythe.
You keep your firewall and antivirus going due to the fact that your connection to the game goes through serveral unknown servers. Any of which can fall victim to a virus. Also, many of us multi-task, checking forums, IM, etc. while waiting in-game for people.
There is a builds section there also, but as Dervish's magic is used mainly to buff his/her attacks, I don't think you'll find any that don't include putting points in scythe.
You keep your firewall and antivirus going due to the fact that your connection to the game goes through serveral unknown servers. Any of which can fall victim to a virus. Also, many of us multi-task, checking forums, IM, etc. while waiting in-game for people.