I cant get ectos!

Limu Tolkki

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2006

Hate The [Cape]


Because someone locked up my last thread i've to do new one. I just cant get ectos or greens, no way! In cantha i've soloed a boss, about 10 times. 0 greens, whats the problem? And in uw, i've done about 20-30 smite runs in two-three days, 0 ectos. It just cant be bad luck, not that bad! And i've done mission now and then, but anyway, no drops, but i've all other drops anyway, so it shouldn't be anti-farm code. So whats the problem, why i cant get ectos??? Why anet punishes me like this???

PS. Plz dont just lock up and say its bad luck. It isnt, no one cant have that bad luck! Tell me what to do to get this work!

Smile Like Umean It

Smile Like Umean It

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


It is bad luck and you've got it.
Instead of farming go do something else, and no, I don't mean a couple of fast missions to try getting yourself unflagged.

Your other thread was closed as well as this one will be for the exact same reason.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Alliance of Xen[XoO]


or try PvPing, i found that after i do HA my drops seem to be better.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Well, it's because you have the enable rare drops option unchecked in your options menu in GW.

/end sarcasm

Seriously, wtf do you expect us to tell you? You have bad luck, get over it and either move on or keep farming. Your thread was closed for a reason. Starting is just asking for a mod to warn or ban you.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Originally Posted by Limu Tolkki
PS. Plz dont just lock up and say its bad luck. It isnt, no one cant have that bad luck! Tell me what to do to get this work!
yes you can have that bad of luck. it took me 53 ghail runs over the course of 8 months before he dropped his staff (which was just last night).

drops are random. you are having a streak of bad luck. get over it.


Limu Tolkki

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2006

Hate The [Cape]


Originally Posted by XvArchonvX
Well, it's because you have the enable rare drops option unchecked in your options menu in GW.

/end sarcasm

Seriously, wtf do you expect us to tell you? You have bad luck, get over it and either move on or keep farming. Your thread was closed for a reason. Starting is just asking for a mod to warn or ban you.
No one, i mean NO ONE!, can't have as bad luck...



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

You have bad luck, nobody here can help you. Don't post it again. Closed.