Touch ranger/ Core skills?
I have two questions, and hopefully someone can answer them for me:
1. I was considering making a touch ranger build, but someone told me that that sort of build got disabled or something like that. Is that true?
2. I was looking skills on wiki and I wanted to get some skills that are avaliable in prophecies. I'm on factions, so does that mean I have to go to prohecies to get the skills, or since factions is the 2nd game can I get it there? Bare in mind I am an extreme newbie to guild wars ;p
1. I was considering making a touch ranger build, but someone told me that that sort of build got disabled or something like that. Is that true?
2. I was looking skills on wiki and I wanted to get some skills that are avaliable in prophecies. I'm on factions, so does that mean I have to go to prohecies to get the skills, or since factions is the 2nd game can I get it there? Bare in mind I am an extreme newbie to guild wars ;p
Originally Posted by krichter
I have two questions, and hopefully someone can answer them for me:
If i'm correct you're saying you don't have prophicies? If so then the answer is nope... 1. I was considering making a touch ranger build, but someone told me that that sort of build got disabled or something like that. Is that true? 2. I was looking skills on wiki and I wanted to get some skills that are avaliable in prophecies. I'm on factions, so does that mean I have to go to prohecies to get the skills, or since factions is the 2nd game can I get it there? Bare in mind I am an extreme newbie to guild wars ;p Thanks! |
If i'm correct you're saying you don't have prophicies? If so then the answer is nope...
If you only have Factions then you only have access to Factions and core(avaliable to all chapters) skills. Thus you'll be missing important skills such as...
[skill]Vampiric Touch[/skill]
[skill]Offering of Blood[/skill]
Which means regaining energy in a sticky situation can be difficult as can spamming touch skills be. It's still possible to create a touch ranger don't get me wrong. But you would be alot more effective if you bought Prophicies aswell.
If you have prophicies then you'll need to go there to get Vampric Touch and Offering of Blood. Vampric Touch can be found in Ascalon City of the skill trainer. Offering of blood can be capped of any of the following bosses.
* Hormak Ironcurse (Ice Caves of Sorrow (Mission))
* Jollen Steelblight (Frozen Forest)
* Morgriff Shadestone (Grenth's Footprint)
* Riine Windrot (Thunderhead Keep (Mission))
* Tonfor Copperblood (Lornar's Pass)
I don't think touch rangers have been changed to be unworkable but maybe I just haven't paid any attention to it.
There are core skills which are available in all chapters and then there are chapter specific skills. You must own that chapter to get its skills and then they are only available from the quests and/or trainers in that chapter.
There are core skills which are available in all chapters and then there are chapter specific skills. You must own that chapter to get its skills and then they are only available from the quests and/or trainers in that chapter.
alright thanks both of you- I was going to buy prophecies, I just sort of wanted to know if I had to get it to make a good touch ranger build. I also would appreciate any hints or suggestions for my touch ranger! (haha, I want to be a good touch poor rit gets so pwned in alliance battles)

Basic Touch Ranger Build
Expertise: 16 (12+1+3)
Blood Magic: 12
[card]Offering of Blood[/card][card]Vampiric Touch[/card][card]Vampiric Bite[/card][card]Dodge[/card][card]Zojun's Haste[/card][card]Throw Dirt[/card][card]Whirling Defense[/card][card]Plague Touch[/card]
(sub out zojun's haste for a rez sig for non-ab use)
its good to go with two weapon sets: a wand/offhand set with 20% HSR. and a wand/offhand set both with 15/-1 for a bit of extra energy to finish off a target when necessary.
Expertise: 16 (12+1+3)
Blood Magic: 12
[card]Offering of Blood[/card][card]Vampiric Touch[/card][card]Vampiric Bite[/card][card]Dodge[/card][card]Zojun's Haste[/card][card]Throw Dirt[/card][card]Whirling Defense[/card][card]Plague Touch[/card]
(sub out zojun's haste for a rez sig for non-ab use)
its good to go with two weapon sets: a wand/offhand set with 20% HSR. and a wand/offhand set both with 15/-1 for a bit of extra energy to finish off a target when necessary.
Originally Posted by ss1986v2
Basic Touch Ranger Build
Expertise: 16 (12+1+3) Blood Magic: 12 [card]Offering of Blood[/card][card]Vampiric Touch[/card][card]Vampiric Bite[/card][card]Dodge[/card][card]Zojun's Haste[/card][card]Throw Dirt[/card][card]Whirling Defense[/card][card]Plague Touch[/card] (sub out zojun's haste for a rez sig for non-ab use) its good to go with two weapon sets: a wand/offhand set with 20% HSR. and a wand/offhand set both with 15/-1 for a bit of extra energy to finish off a target when necessary. |
Ascalon Chariot
They aren't godly, but they are pretty good. Hard to kill them if you dont have the right build, the two touches give them health =)
No, they're just mindless builds that people still lose to for some reason.
W, A, S, and D. Is it really that hard?
Hard to kill them if you dont have the right build |
If the opposing team has no healer, or a boon prot healer, you stand a moderate chance, depends on how fast others try to kill you.
If the opposing team has a monk with ZB or GoH, then you're basically just prolonging the inevitable, since they'll be outhealing you easily without spending much, or even any energy.
Outside of random arenas or perhaps Alliance battles touchers don't really exist.
But with change in popularity of boon/prot, touchers aren't a reasonable threat anymore. They were only succesful due to the fact that they can only be countered with straight healing, not with protection, and that's something that was lacking in random arenas. Nightfall changed that.
If the opposing team has a monk with ZB or GoH, then you're basically just prolonging the inevitable, since they'll be outhealing you easily without spending much, or even any energy.
Outside of random arenas or perhaps Alliance battles touchers don't really exist.
But with change in popularity of boon/prot, touchers aren't a reasonable threat anymore. They were only succesful due to the fact that they can only be countered with straight healing, not with protection, and that's something that was lacking in random arenas. Nightfall changed that.
Hm, very interseting, guess i'll have to try and find out whether my touch ranger is good or not....
Any other opinions?
Any other opinions?
Originally Posted by krichter
Hm, very interseting, guess i'll have to try and find out whether my touch ranger is good or not....
Any other opinions? |
Kiting, Knockdowns, Interupts, Speed reductions and degen are touchies weaknesses..
I like going Touchie hunting, when Kurzicks have favoured AB maps and have a decent lead, i just spend the rest of the time killing Touch Rangers..
Apply Poison > pindown > hunters shot > Burning Arrow > Pin Down > Burning Arrow = Night night touchie
Originally Posted by krichter
O.o Thanks a bunch! Are touch rangers really good as everyone says?
Plus, all you ever do is smash two buttons without any tactics (going straight for the monk is not tactics). If you want to improve and get good at the game, do not play a touch ranger. If you want to be able to defeat opponents with an iq over 80, do not play a touch ranger.
If you want to stay new to the game and want to farm faction, play a touch ranger.
Well I'm gald people are posting their opinions, thats good. The only main reason I wanted to create one was because I heard they do really good in RA, or AB, which is what I like to do a lot. Of course, I could always make a warrior or something, I just didnt know what was really strong.
Originally Posted by krichter
Well I'm gald people are posting their opinions, thats good. The only main reason I wanted to create one was because I heard they do really good in RA, or AB, which is what I like to do a lot. Of course, I could always make a warrior or something, I just didnt know what was really strong.
now that being said, ive never seen the touchie as a mindless build as many others have. a good touchie can keep melee classes in check for a good while, maintain a near constant speed boost, dealing unprotectable dmg along with it being life stealing, and have the ability to pass conditions back onto their targets. yes, they shouldnt be that big of a threat, but if they have a good team backing them up, they can be troublesome if you get caught without proper counters. this is ra and ab so you really dont know what you are going to get. you may be the best player around, but once you start hearing that familiar ringing sound of mending popping up all around you, all that goes out the window.
on a different note, as a goof, i decided to roll my ranger as a touchie and see how she would fair in pve across tyria. i was surprised to find that it actually faired pretty well in most places. the mission that the touchie truly excelled in was thunderhead keep of all places. just sit down in one of the doorways of the keep, and thats all you need to keep that side totally clear. no monk, no catapults. just one touchie all by them self and the rest of the team can hold the other side.