Elite Skill Hunter - 290 v. 291


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Army of the Abyss


So I guess I'm a bit confused...

Turns out that I took a break from forums and come back to see people posting images of their elite skill hunter title, having 291 skills in all.

I looked at mine and was a bit disappointed to see 290...this motivated me to go through and count up every elite I have, turns out to be 290 class specific elites and 1 elite linked to the lightbringer title...so I have 291 skills capped but only have 290 showing. I went back to talk with the lightbringer title guy, seeing if maybe this was an update I missed, but no luck.

Anyone have an idea as to how this 291st skill can be triggered to show? I have specific numbers at home (as far as how many elites for each class taken directly off the account), but am sure that 291 are capped and only 290 are showing.

Any help is appreciated.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

[wiki]Skill Hunter[/wiki] - title doesn't update after getting Lightbringer Signet until you cap your next elite.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Army of the Abyss



I had the lightbringer sig back when I was actually following the story line (a week or two after NF release) and it wasn't until recently (a month or so back) that I went on my capping spree...so it should have updated to include the lightbringer elite then and there...but hasn't. I'm a bit befuddeled by this, but will look more into the situation (skill by skill...*yawn*) soon...

Thanks for the help.

Miss Puddles

Miss Puddles

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005


Shiverpeaks Search And Rescue [Lost]


i had the same problem. i recieved lightbringer signet when i was at around 200 skills, yet when i capped my very last elite (golden skull strike, if anyone cares), i received my title at 290 skills exactly. i have gone back through all my skill lists and havent missed one somewhere (though on second thought i'll check again today). but lightbringer signet was NOT my last elite, so i should in theory have 291 elites right?



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Netherlands [Woot]

Looking for a decent one :P

Make sure you dont forget Junudu Siege (http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Junundu_Siege)



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Siege doesn't count as one, you don't cap it and you don't keep it.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Atlanta, GA



A clan mate and I have spent the last couple of months going through each of the games capping the skills we needed. Now that we both hit 290 we were disappointed to see that we did not get 291. We both had lightbringer long ago so this makes no since. My thinking is that this was a glitch that was fixed.

Tay Zendreth

Tay Zendreth

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006

Legion of the Black Phoenix [LBPx]


it is a pain in the backside, but you need to print off the skill list from wiki and cross them off one at a time to be certain that you havent missed one, or assumed that you have it becuase you already capped it on another char.

I would have sworn that I had capped Glads defence, but realised that I had ticked it off my list when I capped it on my warr - not the ele that was going for the max.

It isnt a glitch as far as I know - I finished my capping spree at 291 about 3 weeks ago.

Good luck



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


I missed a Paragon skill and that kept me at 290 for a few days until I noticed. =)



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


I envy you guys... I am working on my way to Skill Hunter but as of the moment I am sooo busy I am managing to get maybe one elite a week.

I be on the lookout when I get to your positions. But I do remember a glitch that cause the game to show incorrect amount for the title.