Fate/Stay Night Fan Art of The King of Heroes Gilgamesh
"That Belongs to me the KING!"
One of the coolest characters that you incounter in the anime This is Him Using his Gate Of Babylon Ability
I actually came designed a few of the swords the 4 on the furthest right and the one crenellnated one.... yes I can't spell!! rawr!
Gilgamesh is the Legendary King of Sumeria
He is the son of Lugalbanda, the 3rd King of Uruk, and of a goddess, Ninsun.
Little Story It Kinda Explains his Tragic story yet this is only a fraction of it from Wiki... I found it Really Interesting cause he turns out like Sephiroth, as he begins to Loathe Humanity
Gilgamesh seeks out Utnapishtim, a former King of Shuruppak who survived The Deluge by constructing an Ark as advised by the god Ea. In repentance for the genocide of mankind, the Sumerian Gods gift Utnapishtim with immortality and spirit him away to Dilmun, the End of the World. After journeying over Mount Mashu and through a Garden of Gems, Gilgamesh crosses the River of Death and meets Utnapishtim.
Utnapishtim explains that immortality can be achieved if Gilgamesh remains awake for six days and seven nights; Gilgamesh makes the attempt, but soon succumbs to fatigue. Gilgamesh is frustrated with his failure, but Utnapishtim offers an alternative; a magical herb, which only grows on the ocean floor surrounding Dilmun, will bestow eternal youth onto whoever consumes it. Gilgamesh successfully retrieves the plant, but doubtful the shrub's properties, decides to test his prize on the elders of Uruk.
On the journey back, a serpent consumes the precious ambrosia while Gilgamesh bathes; horrified, he weeps at his loss. Upon arrival in Uruk, Gilgamesh stares at the imposing city walls he built and realizes mortal men cannot escape destiny, for true immortality can only be achieved through the legends dead men leave behind.