I can't get ectos!

Limu Tolkki

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2006

Hate The [Cape]


About 30smite runs done past three days, no ectos. You ppl just dont understand it, it cant be bad luck! Is this a bug, or anet teases me or something like that, but it cant be bad luck, really cant! Smites ecto drop rate is something like between 1% and 2%, and in one round theres about 10 smite groups, 3-5 smites per group, so something between 30 and 50 smites per round, and i've done 30 rounds, it cant be bad luck, believe me!

I think someone bans me and lock thread but np, just tell me what i'd do, it cant be bad luck. And theres all other drops like usually, just no ectos, no it shouldn't be anti-farm code, and i've done missions now and then, and played lots of pvp, but still, no ectos. This is so dam stupid, 'cos it cant be bad luck or anti-farm code, so why i cant get ectos?

Anarion Silverhand

Anarion Silverhand

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005



Drops are random. Random.

