Skills don't work sometimes
Dirty Savage
Lately I've been having some issues with my skill bar totally not working. For example, I'll be engaging an enemy with, say, my ranger. Sitting there and hitting the enemy with my bow and I'll click on a skill and . . . nothing. Click on another skill and . . . nothing. Try pressing the corresponding number on the keypad and . . . nothing. This has been happening to me across all my characters lately and I don't know why. It happens when I'm almost an aggro bubble away and it happens when I'm face to face in melee range. The only "fix" I've found is that, if my skills are not engaging, I usually run a few steps away, turn and try again and suddenly all is well again.
Has this been happening to anyone else and, if so, what is the cause of this?
Has this been happening to anyone else and, if so, what is the cause of this?
You are not alone,
This has happened to me on my ranger.
Don't know the exact cause, only that moving a little solves it.
Moving just sidewards solves this most of the time
It seems to me that it happens most of the time when there is an (invisible) obstacle and my ranger is 'stuck' behind it. The target is just out of bow range.
He can't move forward because of the obstacle and the skill instantly terminates.
On the other hand, I've also noticed it happened a couple of times when the skill icons did not even react at all.
Could be some kind of lag / rubberbanding issue there.
This has happened to me on my ranger.
Don't know the exact cause, only that moving a little solves it.
Moving just sidewards solves this most of the time
It seems to me that it happens most of the time when there is an (invisible) obstacle and my ranger is 'stuck' behind it. The target is just out of bow range.
He can't move forward because of the obstacle and the skill instantly terminates.
On the other hand, I've also noticed it happened a couple of times when the skill icons did not even react at all.
Could be some kind of lag / rubberbanding issue there.
Patrick Smit
I have experienced it and just assumed it was lag, or my cordless keyboard. If a lot of people experience this then there may be something more fishy going on?
I've had this happen to me too, but only on my Paragon character. So I figured it was a bug introduced with Nightfall. When did you all start experiencing this?
I've had this same problem with my ranger. Switching targets will sometimes help with the skills starting to work again. Another weird problem I notice is that I can be right in front of a target, nothing in the way and get the "obstructed" error, maybe those invisible obstacles "the jos" is talking about.
its a known issue that has been around for as long as ive been playing. usually, but not always, its caused by your target being on higher or lower ground than you. only way around it is to move to similar ground as your target, or find a target on similar ground as you.
marshy man
this is the most annoying problem in b/p groups. nothing like using barrage and seeing it constantly not working... it it stays that way for a while with me, say 15-20 seconds. now if youve ever been in a b/p group you know thats a long time....
I've also had this problem with my ranger. It's almost like I'm in range of auto attacks, but not within bow attack range o.O
I am glad soe one else started this thread. I have been experiencing the same kind of problms on my ranger. Same fix though move just a little and it is fixed. It get frustrating sometimes though when the monsters are kicking my butt and I cannot get he skill I want off.This started for me just after the first skill balancing weekend.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
Free Runner
Same problem here aswell. Only ever on my ranger yet preperations,stances and skills like troll unguent work. When i click on any bow attack while in range of the target my skill will begin to act like its activating yet return to its normal display while nothing happens.
And i have been in point blank range and got this problem. When using melee builds i never come across it.
This has began to get anoying while i am playing in Fort Aspenwood to be attacking yet find yourself screwed over by your own skill bar
And i have been in point blank range and got this problem. When using melee builds i never come across it.
This has began to get anoying while i am playing in Fort Aspenwood to be attacking yet find yourself screwed over by your own skill bar

I have been having the same problem today. I have also noticed that meteor shower has been costing around 30 energy sometimes. It only happened a couple times , because I gave up after I salvaged 5 iron from a max gold ceremonial cauldron that was highly salvagable.
Plushie Penguin
although I've never had it on my ranger, I've had times on my monk or ritualist, when I use a skill to heal someone, sometimes it doesn't....