I was on Guild Wiki and saw this guide to the Bandit Raid farm that you can do in pre...
I thought this was basically nerfed but I'm not sure?? Could someone explain if you can still do this?
Bandit Raid (pre-Searing) (Does it still work)
bump??? Does anyone know?
It says right there in the wiki that it still works, but is slightly less effective since the update. It should still work just fine though.
OOOh ok thanks a lot!
I was wondering why I always get dye when that quest was active. Now I know thanks.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
Dye dropping is still random so results always vary. You are solo in pre all the time (for the most part) so the odds of a dye dropping increase (as in no other team mates getting them), not to mention the large number of enemies you can kill.