Recording In Game?
A lot of times I see videos of people playing the game. Is this just some simple program you can download and is it like the Prt Scn? And does anyone know of any good probrams that are free?
Thank you a lot. This is sweet program!

Fraps demo is weak, go with Gamecam if you dont intend to buy anything
I would go with GameCam as well. Both offer free versions, though both have limited features. I think the limited features for GameCam far surpass those of Fraps. With Fraps demo version, you will only be able to take 30 second clips with sound and all that good stuff. GameCam's "demo", I believe doesn't have a limited video time(or at least I have never reached it) but does not have any audio...which is fine because I turn around and add music and edit the videos through Microsoft Video Maker. The Compression rate of GameCam is better than Fraps, so if you have any issues with space on your hard drive, definitely go with GameCam. Fraps compresses the video during the capture so it may slow your computer down a little and that is why Frap's files are typically a lot larger than those of GameCams. This can be helpful if you ever planning on hosting your videos online. If you do happen to go with the full version, GameCam is $25..Fraps is $30. Both have a lot of features. I think about the only thing Fraps has going for it is that it may have a sleek advantage on video quality (don't quote me on this though), but I really have never noticed anything substantial. GameCam is really easy to use and set up too. Definitely my choice.
Game Cam
Game Cam
Sir Mad
I used this proggy: - it's free and doesn't have any recording time limitations. However it doesn't work with the full screen mode. It's just a recorder so you can't modify what you've recorded, but you can export it and work on it with Microsft Movie Maker for example.