Max PVE flame artifact +5 armor +45 health [while enchant]?
Is there a max PVE flame artifact +5 armor +45 health [while enchant] available from an NPC? If so where? Thanks.
Captain Arne Is PRO
5 Kirin Horns
Flame artifact (energy+12, req. 9 fire, armor+5 /hp+45 while enchanted)
Cantha: Jade Sea
Leave from Unwaking Waters Luxon side and the collector right outside the door will have it!
Flame artifact (energy+12, req. 9 fire, armor+5 /hp+45 while enchanted)
Cantha: Jade Sea
Leave from Unwaking Waters Luxon side and the collector right outside the door will have it!
is that the only place? where can i get 5 Kirin Horns?
Wrath Of Dragons
From kirin!
You can have one crafted as well:
Wajjun Bazaar weaponsmith: Nago
5k + materials
You can look up all this stuff on guildwiki.
Wajjun Bazaar weaponsmith: Nago
5k + materials
You can look up all this stuff on guildwiki.