Newbie Questions



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007



I've own Guild Wars game about a year now but never actually played it that often. I recently stopped playing WoW and is now playing GW again.

So I made a Wa/Mo since I like playing Tank/Support type of characters. But somehow I've found *after wasting almost 10k worth of gold* that the different type of armor protection doesn't always stack and having a full set isn't always the best idea.

I've searched guru and google for different explanations, but the lingo of GW talk isn't getting in my head. So I have a few questions I need to ask:

- If I buy a FULL PLATEMAIL set, will the -20 & -10 defense from Physical and Elemental stack? Will I have +100 defense from Physical and 50 from elemental *considering it's 5 piece set*

- If I buy a FULL SET Knight's Armor (-3 Dmg each), will i have -15 dmg reduction or only -3?

- If I put superior rune of vigor (+HP) in my Knight's armor, will it take off the -3 dmg reduction effect?

- Is there a bonus for having a complete set of armor? If yes, what are those bonus?

- Does Vigor and Absorption runes stack? (Ex. 1 Vigor = 10 HP, 2 Vigor = 20 HP?) (Ex. 1 Absorption = -3, 2 Absorption = -6?)

- Does it matter where you put your runes? If yes, what are the good place to put them?

Last but not the least, I have my eye on this armor combination if ever the -3 dmg reduction doesn't stack, otherwise I'll be using a complete set of Knight/Platemail armor. Please feel free to give your opinion and correct me if I'm doing it wrong.

Head : I'll buy all kinds of helm for versatility
Chest : Plate Mail (Since spells mainly target chest)
Legs option 1 : Knights (If the 20/10 defense doesn't stack)
Legs option 2 : Plate Mail (If the 20/10 defense stack)
Hands & Feet : Gladiators (What else?)

Runes : Superior Vigor, Superior Absorption (I have no idea where to put them or how many to buy)

I apologize if there's a thread about these already, I've really searched and I couldn't find any. Thanks in advance for the replies.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Originally Posted by Andrei
- If I buy a FULL PLATEMAIL set, will the -20 & -10 defense from Physical and Elemental stack? Will I have +100 defense from Physical and 50 from elemental *considering it's 5 piece set*
No, protection against damage from an armor piece only covers the part that it's on. So a full platemail set will give you the -20 & -10 proection everywhere, they don't stack.

- If I buy a FULL SET Knight's Armor (-3 Dmg each), will i have -15 dmg reduction or only -3?
Only -3. But that -3 will stack on an absorbtion rune and a shield's damage reduction. So if you've got the full knight's set (-3), + a Superior Absorbtion rune (-3), and a shield with -2 always, you'll get -8. (the Shield and rune protection are global)

- If I put superior rune of vigor (+HP) in my Knight's armor, will it take off the -3 dmg reduction effect?

- Is there a bonus for having a complete set of armor? If yes, what are those bonus?

- Does Vigor and Absorption runes stack? (Ex. 1 Vigor = 10 HP, 2 Vigor = 20 HP?) (Ex. 1 Absorption = -3, 2 Absorption = -6?)
No. Runes do not stack on top of each other. BUT they will stack on top of your armor's inherent qualities. for example, if you've got an executioner's helm, that will give you +1 to axe mastery. If you add a minor axe mastery rune to it, you'll get another +1 to axe, making a total of +2. If you add another minor rune, it will stay at +2. If you put a rune of Superior vigor on, you'll get +50HP, put another one on and you'll get no additional benefit.

- Does it matter where you put your runes? If yes, what are the good place to put them?
Since runes are global, it doesn't matter where you put them, they'll work exactly the same way no matter what. That being said, most people put their Vigor Runes on their chest pieces, in the case of Warriors they put the absorbtion runes on their leggings - these being the most expensive armor pieces, you won't need to change them out when switching builds around. Putting your Axe, Sword, or Hammer rune on the head piece is what most people do, since it's the least expensive piece and therefore the cheapest one to switch when going from one build to another.

Last but not the least, I have my eye on this armor combination if ever the -3 dmg reduction doesn't stack, otherwise I'll be using a complete set of Knight/Platemail armor. Please feel free to give your opinion and correct me if I'm doing it wrong.

Head : I'll buy all kinds of helm for versatility
Chest : Plate Mail (Since spells mainly target chest)
Legs option 1 : Knights (If the 20/10 defense doesn't stack)
Legs option 2 : Plate Mail (If the 20/10 defense stack)
Hands & Feet : Gladiators (What else?)

Runes : Superior Vigor, Superior Absorption (I have no idea where to put them or how many to buy)
Go with the all platemail armor, knight's armor is nice looking, but it's not very good, protection wise. (Me, I prefer the glad's armor for the energy , but i'm not trying to be a great tank). One rune of each - anything else is waste. The way I've got my Warrior set up, rune wise, is:

Superior Axe mastery on Helm
Superior Vigor on chest
Superior Absorption on Leggings
Minor Strength on feet
Minor Tactics on Gauntlets.

Remember, minor runes have no HP reduction, but Majors have -35HP, and Superiors have -75HP. And those HP reductions DO stack! (Not applicable to Absorbtion runes.)



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


^^ excellent post....for more info check out for general info for info on various armors



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007


Thank you so much for clearing that up. It's makes more sense to me now.

Another question :
I came into Droknar's Forge and saw that the Platemail and the Wyvern have the same stats. Is there a difference aside from the sprite?