Max Brass Spear req 8 inscribable?
Are there max Brass Spears req 8 inscribable? Or are they only req 9?
I see no reason why you couldn't get one...but like with most req 8 items they will be very rare.
Moa Bird Cultist
This is a bit of a generalization, but...
Req8 in Nightfall is of a similar tier as Req7 in the other campaigns, that is to say, it has the same sort of droprate. Req7 in Nightfall would seem to be non existant. Therefore, you will be very lucky if you see any Req8 Inscribable items at all, but they DO exist. NF Req9 Items on the other hand are much more common. But to answer your question;
Theoretically, Yes.
Req8 in Nightfall is of a similar tier as Req7 in the other campaigns, that is to say, it has the same sort of droprate. Req7 in Nightfall would seem to be non existant. Therefore, you will be very lucky if you see any Req8 Inscribable items at all, but they DO exist. NF Req9 Items on the other hand are much more common. But to answer your question;
Theoretically, Yes.