I play side by side with my husband generally so we can see each other's computers and only mine displays characters behaving strangely for about the last week
1. Tahilkora - if my husband brings her in our group - on my screen she appears to be skating - twirling on one foot - no staff - and doing nothing but amuzing herself. Meanwhile on my hubby's screen she is healing and has her staff.
2. Kurzick Guards - on my screen they appear to be playing hopscotch or leap frog - even in the guild hall. On hubby's they just stand there
3. random people appear as sugar cubes with heads
Has anyone else experienced this?
Strange things on my Screen
Jaythen Tyradel
Sounds like you may need to update something on your computer. Video Card graphic drivers come to mind.
If not that...
If not that...

It's a new computer my husband bought especially for me to use for GW as part of my X-mas Gift so it isn't the video card
search ftw!
its usually an issue with your gw.exe file. either use the -image command, or delete and reinstall. takes time but its a must.
search ftw!
its usually an issue with your gw.exe file. either use the -image command, or delete and reinstall. takes time but its a must.
i agree with SS. You should uninstall GW and remove all of the related folders and files that go with it. Then reinstall it. This may take a bit of time but it may be the only fix. To keep your screenshots if you have any, you will need to navigate to your Guild Wars folder on the C drive. to find it open the C drive by first: open your "my computer" icon on the desktop (sometimes it is in the start menu). Then open the C drive. If this is the first time that you have done this you will have to click "show hidden files and folders". Now open the "Program Fils" folder. Next find the Guild Wars folder and open it. Just drag and drop the Screenshots folder to your desktop. Now after you have uninstalled GW then you need to get rid of the Guild Wars folder by deleting it. Doing this ensures a clean install.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
Originally Posted by Ouchie
It's a new computer my husband bought especially for me to use for GW as part of my X-mas Gift so it isn't the video card