2) How many costs Perfect Zodiac Fire Staff?
3) And what is currently the rarest item in-game?
Thanks for help

Originally Posted by Str0b0
I have no clue about the first two but I can tell you what the rarest item in game is. It's a Kanaxi mini-pet. I believe there only 8 in existence.
Originally Posted by zara
A perfect req 8 Crystalline sword would be the most expensive item in the game.
Rarest, probably a perfect non-negative weapon out there. A few exist. Yes insignias will work on the fissure armor assuming you buy the one with the free insignia slot. As for the fire staff, dunno. |
Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
Actually the current most expenisve item in game is the Panda mini pet, only 50 were issued to the first 50 people to get factions over in one of those asian countries
and the mallyx pet for the first 50 nightfall owners |
Originally Posted by Ayamari
errrrrr, you can get a mallyx pet as a "drop" and Kanaxai's mini-pet is way rarer seeing as there are ONLY eight of them. >_>
Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
i take back that piece of information, Mallyx drops from the Coffer of Whispers
Water Angel
Originally Posted by Water Angel
ya.between rarest in game i would say in first place a gold tribal axe with max stats or gold req 8 cristalline with perfect stats/dmg.or perfect uncunditonal weapon.
kanaxai sure only 8 in the world but not so hard to find. |
Originally Posted by qazwersder
I'd expect to pay 100k + ecto for the fire staff, it will be difficult to get hold of a perfect one (What is your idea of perfect?). I cant say exactly how much because I dont know.
Originally Posted by qazwersder
I'd expect to pay 100k + ecto for the fire staff, it will be difficult to get hold of a perfect one (What is your idea of perfect?). I cant say exactly how much because I dont know.
Originally Posted by kagy600
Sometimes I wonder how someone can accumulate the funds for Fissure Armor (lots of time playing) and then come out and ask questions like these...
Originally Posted by Savio
He has Prophecies and Factions but stopped playing for a few months. I already had to deal with this once, please don't start again.