How does the armour vs damage rating work?



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]



Essentially, assuming you and your target are level 20:
  • EffDR is your effective damage rating.
    • For martial weapons (everything but staves and wands) EffDR is equal to 5 times your weapon attribute up to attribute level 12. If you go past level 12, you get 60 plus 2 for every attribute level past level 12. Critical hits get +20 to their EffDR.
    • For spells, staves, and wands, EffDR is equal to 3 times your character's level. At level 20, this is 60.
  • EffAR is the target's effective armor rating. It's whatever armor the enemy has, minus any armor penetration or other effects.
  • The /40 means that for every increase in EffDR by 40 (or a lowering of enemy armor by 40), you deal twice the damage. Conversely, a lowering of EffDR by 40 (or increase in enemy armor by 40) cuts the damage in half.
  • With either 12 in your weapon attribute or as a level 20 character casting spells, against a 60 AL target, you deal 100% of whatever damage is listed.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

What do you mean? Armor always affects damage, except when the damage is armor-ignoring.

Bah, I'll just get the chart:

Effect of Armor on Damage
Armor Level	Defensive Adjustment
0		282.8%
5		259.4%
10		237.8%
15		218.1%
20		200%
25		183.4%
30		168.2%
35		154.2%
40		141.4%
45		129.7%
50		118.9%
55		109.1%
60		100%
65		91.7%
70		84.1%
75		77.1%
80		70.7%
85		64.8%
90		59.5%
95		54.5%
100		50%
105		45.9%
110		42%
115		38.6%
120		35.4%
125		32.4%
You have x armor level, you take y% of the damage. If someone blasts you with a 70-damage spell and you have 100 armor, you take 50% of the damage, so 35.