Can you interrupt stances?


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


Originally Posted by Naga The Apocalypse
just because your stance hasnt been interupted doesnt mean it cannot be interupted or someone hasnt interupted someone els' stance.
True, however if a mob has been able to interrupt a stance, this is a bug that should be reported because the way they have been designed is to be not interruptible. Stances / non-attack skills with a blank activation time are instantaneous and can be done while you are in the midst of another action or even sitting on your but, hell i'm pretty sure you can even /dance and activate a stance without the dance stopping (but I'll have to test this).




Join Date: Oct 2006

It is true you can Dance and activate a stance without the dance animation stopping.

Originally Posted by Naga The Apocalypse
yea ok man someones gonna vid cap something that happens on total accident, and no one really cares wat u agree with, people who have interupted stances or have had their stance interupted know wat they're talking about. cut the dumb explination and go interupt one for yourself and quit asking other people for something like a vid cap.
Those who say they had their stances 'interrupted' are just spewing nonsense.

Now, I bolden a part of your the HELL can we interrupt something that lacks a casting time?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2005

Wessst Siiide, USA


I interrupted a stance once. Then I woke up

What's funny is that there were some shots taken at posters on the other website for how long the thread was dragging on. I frequent both and think more highly of guru, but it looks like we've got our share of misinformation.

Listen to the experienced posters and the mods here, shouts and stances cannot be interrupted.

But if you don't believe us, then you should use Mantra of Resolve before you use a stance or shout, just to make sure you don't get interrupted. Just pray that your Mantra of Resolve doesn't get interrupted or it's GG. ;P



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Where is my post in this thread? I posted something about stances cannot be interrupted but can be removed with 3 skills in game. So, my post just disappeared or moderator deleted by mistake?