I currently have Prophicies and Nightfall (merged) and received a "Guild Wars Epic Trial Key" with Nightfall. I am wondering if I can add the trial key to my account to access Factions for the time period (10 hours or 7 days, whichever first, if I remember correctly). If I can add it to my account to access Factions, will my current characters be able to travel to Cantha and cap skills etc. (I want Flesh Golem). If so, will these skills remain when the time period ends? Or will they just dissapear? Furthermore, will these skills remain if I bought Factions?
Guild Wars Trial Key Help Please
Evil Genius
i guess you could use your epic trail key to access factions, don't see any reason why it shouldn't be possible.
now, i don't know if you'd be able to maptravel, but the skills you cap will stay unlocked for your account, but won't be usable once you lose access to factions content (once the trail end). If you buy the game afterwards, they should open up again.
now, i don't know if you'd be able to maptravel, but the skills you cap will stay unlocked for your account, but won't be usable once you lose access to factions content (once the trail end). If you buy the game afterwards, they should open up again.
If I remember correctly, I don't think you can merge it with your existing account. You'll have to do it as a stand alone and create a Faction-based character and do the trial with that. Any skills or elites that you get during that trial, will unlock but once the trial is up, they will be grayed out and unable to use until you purchase a full retail version of the game. Once you purchase the full version, you'll be able to access them again for the character you made and for any PvP character you create down the road. I could be wrong but this was how it was for the World Preview Event for Nightfall. I don't see it being any different.