Did they get rid of the Butterfly Sword?
Was just wondering... I've noticed I haven't gotten a Butterfly Sword dropped in a really long time. I have seen another sword "Wingblade Sword" that looks a lot like it. Have they changed this?
I'm sort of a "Sword Collector" in case anyone was wondering why I'm even asking... and used to have a great Butterfly Sword until I broke it while trying to salvage a sword hilt from it.
I'm sort of a "Sword Collector" in case anyone was wondering why I'm even asking... and used to have a great Butterfly Sword until I broke it while trying to salvage a sword hilt from it.
The Wingblade Sword and the Butterfly sword are exactly the same sword, they use the exact same skin... No idea why they have two swords with the same skin, but ANet seem to like doing it...
Malice Black
Common skin with a semi-rare name. They do drop in perfect form on occasions.
So the Butterfly Sword still drops in the game?
Sorry... I would check the wiki... but my workplace blocks it (and my internet at home has been down lately).
Sorry... I would check the wiki... but my workplace blocks it (and my internet at home has been down lately).
Originally Posted by MagicWarrior
So the Butterfly Sword still drops in the game?
Thanks for the help!
Butterfly sword is such a great name...just too bad the skin isn't anything really special

They drop in PvE TOPK, ive gotten a few from there over the last few months.
Dirty Savage
Yeah man, I saw one drop today in the Tomb of Primeval Kings, though it dropped for someone else but nevertheless . . .
I have a sythe
they still have it, its a very common drop near sunspear hall and piken square

yes, they do indeed still drop. however, butterfly swords drop mostly only in low level areas with less than desireable stats. i have never seen 1 drop in a high level area, only wingblades (which as mentioned before has the same skin).
several sword names have different skins and the same skin have different names. i think the longsword has the most different skins and shortswords have at least 3 different names--shortsword, gladius and firey gladius, granted the firey gladius has an effect simular to a firey dragon sword.
several sword names have different skins and the same skin have different names. i think the longsword has the most different skins and shortswords have at least 3 different names--shortsword, gladius and firey gladius, granted the firey gladius has an effect simular to a firey dragon sword.
Had a Butterfly Sword drop from a Spider in Maguuma less than a month ago. Gold and almost perfect with a +30 health.
i had a perfect gold butterfly sword, req. 9, drop from a mere Jade Brotherhood Knight in Pongmei Valley the other day while soloing with my A/Me. I was quite surprised by that.
The Herbalizer
there is a 15>50 r8/9 butterfly on guru auctions, i think it was something like 200-300k. rarely see perf ones.
Mister Overhill
It was crap, but I had one drop at Thirsty River last night.
Originally Posted by The Herbalizer
there is a 15>50 r8/9 butterfly on guru auctions, i think it was something like 200-300k. rarely see perf ones.
The Herbalizer
Originally Posted by Jarus
I tried selling a 15>50 r11 Wingblade a few weeks ago. Didn't even make 4k. Can't see why they'd be so valuable. Wingblades/Butterfly swords look so... flimsy.
Hand Axe - Krytan Axe & White Scythe
Rams Hammer - Swamp Club
Runic Hammer - Shining Maul
Break Hammer - Dwarven Hammer
Warhammer PVP Skin - Magmas Arm
Wingblade - Butterfly Sword
Falchion - Scimitar
Spartha - Forked Sword
In almost all cases the rare names version will sell for alot more than the "normal" version. This is due to rarity.
Yep, confirmed they are still around. I just had a gold butterfly sword drop with max damage (too bad it was Req.10 though - but still cool).