20% enchantment mods
Dutch Masterr
i was wondering how this mod exactly works. say i have a staff with the 20% enchantment mod and i cast an enchant. then i switch to a staff without the 20% enchantment mod. will the enchant then last 20% longer, or do i need to keep it on the weapon with the mod?
you need to keep the staff on for the mod to stay
Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
you need to keep the staff on for the mod to stay
Originally Posted by Savio
Wrong. Modifiers only need to be equipped while casting for them to have effect. Unequipping a 20% enchanting staff after casting an enchantment still results in a 20% longer enchantment. Halved recharge time and halved skill recharge also only need to be on while casting.
Heck, if you fire a flatbow while under apply poision, and then switch to a poisionous bow while the arrow is in mid air, when the arrow hits it will have a 33% longer poision duration.
Lots of little things like this exist in the game, since certain skills only look for the stats of the item you have equiped at a certain time.
Lots of little things like this exist in the game, since certain skills only look for the stats of the item you have equiped at a certain time.