Help, Im getting bored!
Help me please! Im getting bored of guildwars... but I dont want to. Need to get some kick in the butt to go do something.
I mostly play on my necro and has done all 3 campaigns with him, + the 100% Elona map title
I got bored by mapping, got nothing left to do, and I find it boring to create new chars since I already seen everything across GW...
I mostly play on my necro and has done all 3 campaigns with him, + the 100% Elona map title
I got bored by mapping, got nothing left to do, and I find it boring to create new chars since I already seen everything across GW...
Have you gotten any other titles? *shrug* PvP or just take some time away from GW for a while.
I find a little hiatus does wonders for the longevity of the game. That's one reason I bought Guild Wars, and will continue to buy it until they stop making chapters. The fact that there is no monthly fee and your accounts do not suffer from inactivity is a huge draw for me. It means I can go play Mu on a private server for a month or two then come back and it's like a whole new game. I also find that the Elite content can be very satisfying. Then again I came over form Diablo 2 so I'm also a loot fanatic. The more loot I have the more I like it so, while I tend not to farm, I do relish coming across new valuable goodies.
Macktar Wang
Taking breaks is always a good thing. I took a nice 3 month vacation from the game, and it really renewed my enjoyment of the game. But, if you are determined to keep playing, I'd suggest working on other titles or getting into PvP.
Count to Potato
get rank 12 or every pvp title, i think it will be worth the effort
Join a PvP guild.
Originally Posted by Wertic
I find it boring to create new chars since I already seen everything across GW...
But you dont have skill hunter, Wishdom, etc etc...
You said you dont want to create other chars because you have seen everything.. I bet you havent seen your own made ranger/warrior/derv or whatever defeating Abadon... I just cant believe it doesnt interests you! Good luck though

Play pvp
Originally Posted by Wertic
Help me please! Im getting bored of guildwars... but I dont want to. Need to get some kick in the butt to go do something.
I mostly play on my necro and has done all 3 campaigns with him, + the 100% Elona map title I got bored by mapping, got nothing left to do, and I find it boring to create new chars since I already seen everything across GW... |
Either Guild Wars will be back, better than ever or it will be gone and we all move on
Silly Warrior
Originally Posted by ValaOfTheFens
Have you gotten any other titles? *shrug* PvP or just take some time away from GW for a while.
I love when people are bored, others just refer to PvP....
If your bored, do stuff you've never done before, like all of UW, FoW, Tombs, even try getting far in HA (might be hard without a good guild). Heck, even try solo builds for areas, running, or create your own builds. Join a better guild, be creative.
Theres alot more to game than meets the eye...I think.

Make a new character and live in Pre-Searing Ascalon for as long as you can. Help other people with quests and stuff. =)
If you wanna possibly rewarding challenge, start a guild.
Originally Posted by lennymon
If you wanna possibly rewarding challenge, start a guild.
I just took a break for 3 weeks or so, it was getting boring for me as well. Did it back before Factions came out for about 2 months, both spaces worked very well. I'm back and kicking now

Here are some recommendations that keep the game "fresh" for me:
1. Try Soloing without Heroes or Henchmen. Start easy by trying to complete some of the mid-game missions with your necro. You'll learn many new techniques (and will likely cause you to change your build multiple times) such that you'll probably say to yourself..."Wow, I thought I knew everything that I needed to know about my necro - I now realize I only scratched the surface." If you get to the point where you can solo the Dunes of Despair mission, you know that you've really accomplished something that few have done.
2. Try the Tomb of Primeval Kings, Urgoz's Warren, The Deep and Domain of Anguish. You may have already done this once or twice, but I still find being a competent necromancer in these areas to be one of the hardest things to master. It's also one of the best adrenaline rushes in the game, PvE wise.
3. Dabble in PvP for PvE. If you're not interested in PvPing, doing Fort Aspenwood and Alliance Battles is still a load of fun. The mass chaos that normally erupts is something that is always a blast, if you can get past the leechers, etc.
I find myself rotating between those three, and haven't gotten bored yet. I think you're at the point that many people get to - you've experienced everything "new" in the game, and now the true enjoyment is truly becoming "good" at what you do.
1. Try Soloing without Heroes or Henchmen. Start easy by trying to complete some of the mid-game missions with your necro. You'll learn many new techniques (and will likely cause you to change your build multiple times) such that you'll probably say to yourself..."Wow, I thought I knew everything that I needed to know about my necro - I now realize I only scratched the surface." If you get to the point where you can solo the Dunes of Despair mission, you know that you've really accomplished something that few have done.
2. Try the Tomb of Primeval Kings, Urgoz's Warren, The Deep and Domain of Anguish. You may have already done this once or twice, but I still find being a competent necromancer in these areas to be one of the hardest things to master. It's also one of the best adrenaline rushes in the game, PvE wise.
3. Dabble in PvP for PvE. If you're not interested in PvPing, doing Fort Aspenwood and Alliance Battles is still a load of fun. The mass chaos that normally erupts is something that is always a blast, if you can get past the leechers, etc.
I find myself rotating between those three, and haven't gotten bored yet. I think you're at the point that many people get to - you've experienced everything "new" in the game, and now the true enjoyment is truly becoming "good" at what you do.
The Ernada
Originally Posted by Silly Warrior
I love when people are bored, others just refer to PvP....
Get into GvG.
Try to get legendary survivor. I'm not bored but I tried to get survivor for a while, and boy it gets your heart beating.
EDIT: You'll need a new character for this, but I love new characters :P
EDIT: You'll need a new character for this, but I love new characters :P
Dirty Savage
If you're truly bored with the game then you should really just take a break for a while. That's why I really love this game, because it is free to play and your account doesn't get closed for inactivity. This way you can take breaks without fear of wasting money, etc. I've been playing since October of 2005, I own all three campaigns, yet I HAVE FINISHED NONE OF THEM!!! Why? Because, with a full-time job and my hectic social life, I don't have a lot of time to play. It helps that now it's winter here and staying indoors is a good thing, but still, breaks are good.
Since I haven't finished any of the games I can usually find something to do to renew my interests. For example, this past Friday I finally ascended the first character I ever made, a ranger. Then I found myself in the Dragon's Lair which had an exit to this place called The Tomb of Primeval Kings. Walked in there and found a ton of people just BEGGING me to join their group. Which totally knocked me for a loop as it's always been tough going trying to get a group for anything! I didn't know anything about the mission, only that I had to have Barrage, a pet and either favorable winds or winnowing. And i've been farming there now for the last few hours, having fun and making decent money - something I've never had before!
Ummm, what was the question again?
Since I haven't finished any of the games I can usually find something to do to renew my interests. For example, this past Friday I finally ascended the first character I ever made, a ranger. Then I found myself in the Dragon's Lair which had an exit to this place called The Tomb of Primeval Kings. Walked in there and found a ton of people just BEGGING me to join their group. Which totally knocked me for a loop as it's always been tough going trying to get a group for anything! I didn't know anything about the mission, only that I had to have Barrage, a pet and either favorable winds or winnowing. And i've been farming there now for the last few hours, having fun and making decent money - something I've never had before!
Ummm, what was the question again?
Help! you are not alone nor has this happen for the first time!
This is of the rare chances i get to quote myself since i am too bored to be writing a different response for the same thing of the same kind of thread over and over and over and over again.
Responses that calls for PvP may not always be valid for Players who choose to play PvE exclusively. They are not so dumb as to fail to notice that there is PvP element in the game, its merely because of choosing not to PvP. Is that so hard for players to understand? Agrue all you want, do we want to be dictating how others should be playing the game.
Do you see things like this?
Player A: "I like to play PvP but unlocking skills is so slow and i dont want to buy skills packs. HELP!"
This isnt anything new, it has happened with GWP pre-factions and similarly with factions after a few months of release. Strangely enough, guild wars is one of those "MMOs" that players get bored of playing after a while which can mean 2 things: 1)Lack of addiction factions. 2)Lack of replayability. However this fits with the bussiness model of Anet: inactive all you want after buying. As always, friends are all that i play for/with these days. Otherwise theres little else in the game for me at least. |
Responses that calls for PvP may not always be valid for Players who choose to play PvE exclusively. They are not so dumb as to fail to notice that there is PvP element in the game, its merely because of choosing not to PvP. Is that so hard for players to understand? Agrue all you want, do we want to be dictating how others should be playing the game.
Do you see things like this?
Player A: "I like to play PvP but unlocking skills is so slow and i dont want to buy skills packs. HELP!"
The Ernada
Originally Posted by Thallandor
Is that so hard for players to understand? Agrue all you want, do we want to be dictating how others should be playing the game.
When I get bored of GW, I just take a break and do/play something else. Since there aren't really any good games I'm interested in right now, I look to sources without screens to keep me smiling 
Though I do, as a recovered Counter-Strike adict (beta3 and zooming colts of silent doom 4 life!!!), understand the whole "I'm bored but I'm still playing" scenario, I can honestly say that the best way to cure that kind of boredom is really to just put it aside until it appeals to you again.

Though I do, as a recovered Counter-Strike adict (beta3 and zooming colts of silent doom 4 life!!!), understand the whole "I'm bored but I'm still playing" scenario, I can honestly say that the best way to cure that kind of boredom is really to just put it aside until it appeals to you again.
Naga The Apocalypse
get a girlfriend or a bf if your a chick or swing like that.
I am a necro too and used to running missions with ehros and henchies...recently I tried TOPK and DOA...In Tombs I had to be a BIP which I never did in other areas cuz I was a damage dealer.
I just did DOA and I had to cycle between SS, Eflie Des enchant, keeping up spirits (Symbiosis, and EOE) and also Blood was a very challenging role...
Another thing to try is train a level 20 pet...I loke trying to farm with the following build
Animate flesh, animate bone horrors, blood of the master, charm animal, comfort animal, putrid explosion, connsume corpse
it is fun and challenging especially in mid level areas
good luck
I just did DOA and I had to cycle between SS, Eflie Des enchant, keeping up spirits (Symbiosis, and EOE) and also Blood was a very challenging role...
Another thing to try is train a level 20 pet...I loke trying to farm with the following build
Animate flesh, animate bone horrors, blood of the master, charm animal, comfort animal, putrid explosion, connsume corpse
it is fun and challenging especially in mid level areas
good luck
I would just say to take a break. I find that if i feel like everything is to repetitive, or i have no desire to work on any new characters - That if i just play another game, or just get online to chat, That i get an urge to do something I have yet to do.
For example while waiting on nightfall to come out, I was bored as heck, I didn't play much, but i kept looking at the forums and what not, I saw on the screenshot thread a warrior in 15k kurzick, with the same hair/face as mine - I liked it a lot, and then I went off to get it, after i finished it was almost time for nightfall
For example while waiting on nightfall to come out, I was bored as heck, I didn't play much, but i kept looking at the forums and what not, I saw on the screenshot thread a warrior in 15k kurzick, with the same hair/face as mine - I liked it a lot, and then I went off to get it, after i finished it was almost time for nightfall

Reinstall life.exe. (H)
Originally Posted by Josh
Reinstall life.exe. (H)

GUE Tech
Fooey on this hamster wheel. Forget 2 new chapters a year, how about Guild Wars II, lets overhaul the entire game! Cause no matter what skills they add, or how many gazillion chapters there are to come, it will still be the same thing over and over.
Originally Posted by GUE Tech
Fooey on this hamster wheel. Forget 2 new chapters a year, how about Guild Wars II, lets overhaul the entire game! Cause no matter what skills they add, or how many gazillion chapters there are to come, it will still be the same thing over and over.
I'm playing WoW for the time being. I'll be back when chapter 4 comes out.
Although GW is my main MMORPG at the moment I do play WOW and I also found another totaly free game called "Last Chaos". Like I said I mainly play GW but for those times when I need something different I will go and play the other 2. Most everyone has heard of or played WOW so I wont go into that one. For "Last Chaos" you just need to DL the client from their website and register on their site and thats it. Although it is not as graphicaly good as GW, the similiarities between the 2 are there. First it is totaly free. The system requirements are quite low, and it plays fairly well on all kinds of connections. Give it a try, and you might like to use it as a gettaway from GW like i do.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
Originally Posted by Tozen
I'm playing WoW for the time being. I'll be back when chapter 4 comes out.

There are enough other games to play:
- The Brand New Vanguard. A difficutly game to understand but very well for the more intern mmorpg players.
- Lionarch
- Everquest (II)
Not making any publicity but just trying to say.. if you are bored try something else... You will get back to GW. I'm sure of that

For the rest. Wertic, I haven't seen you replying on any of the responses for you so i take it you just had a bad day and did your 5th UW/FOW run without any good drop ^^

Good luck!
Yeah, just go play another game, or do other things for a while. I'm keeping myself busy with Uni stuff and usually log into GW just to help guildies out.
First suggestion: take a break, return for the next expansion.
Second suggestion: start a new character, but in a different campaign from the one your first character was created in. Existing characters entering a new campaign enter with about 1/3 of the game already passed, and you can only play that part of the game with a native character.
Second suggestion: start a new character, but in a different campaign from the one your first character was created in. Existing characters entering a new campaign enter with about 1/3 of the game already passed, and you can only play that part of the game with a native character.
it happens take a break for a while and come back....
Fow armor, titles, PvP or play another game, i.e. a FPS
Pwny Ride
Originally Posted by DrD
it happens take a break for a while and come back....
Alliance Battles are bland and full of hot headed wankers slurring insults (well thats pretty much all PvP now)
Socialising seems to have dissapeared from all towns excpet Shing Jea and Marhans (but creeps go to marhans)
No other end-game features that arent i figure go play something else, go buy something to keep you occupied until C4, and let a-net impove on things they didnt give enough work to do. Lets just hope C4 is actually finished by release date

Originally Posted by Naga The Apocalypse
get a girlfriend or a bf if your a chick or swing like that.

Originally Posted by synthjeno
I did that. Worked fine untill she saw the gw icon on my desktop and clicked it. A week later I had an extra pc and a gf with a GW obsession
![]() |

As much as I used to hate hearing "take a break"; it's actually a wise suggestion.
GW is not made to be a long lasting game, I recall J Strain at one time even saying it was meant to be a game that could be shelfed and brought back later.
I would suggest playing GW in that manner. Play it, leave it. Other online games (or offline games) would probably make you happier in your leisure time anyway. WoW was mentioned as was EQ2. Vanguard looks like a WoW clone from what I've heard of the beta, only less cartoony...
I would say pick one of those up and on the days they are down for patching or server restarts, load up GW and play for a few hours then go back to the other.
GW is not made to be a long lasting game, I recall J Strain at one time even saying it was meant to be a game that could be shelfed and brought back later.
I would suggest playing GW in that manner. Play it, leave it. Other online games (or offline games) would probably make you happier in your leisure time anyway. WoW was mentioned as was EQ2. Vanguard looks like a WoW clone from what I've heard of the beta, only less cartoony...
I would say pick one of those up and on the days they are down for patching or server restarts, load up GW and play for a few hours then go back to the other.