Damage flash in multiple colors
You know how you flash red when hit, i say change the flash to a color corresponding to the type of damage dealt, IE:
red-fire, light blue-holy,white-lightning,black-shadow,gray-earth,deep blue-water,purple-chaos,yellow-light,green for physical types, life stealing needs none as the giant green skulls, etc. that go with most of those skills are easily identified.
there was a feature like this in the old snes/playstation game - "Ogrebattle:March of the Black Queen"
red-fire, light blue-holy,white-lightning,black-shadow,gray-earth,deep blue-water,purple-chaos,yellow-light,green for physical types, life stealing needs none as the giant green skulls, etc. that go with most of those skills are easily identified.
there was a feature like this in the old snes/playstation game - "Ogrebattle:March of the Black Queen"
Feathermoore Rep
Interesting thought.
But what would healing be? just the same as holy with a plus in front of it?
I personally would be overwhelmed with all the different colors. If it had an option to turn it off i'd sign this. Or maybe have a dmg chart that shows the majority of dmg that you got hit by. To me that would be more usefull than see all the different colors pop up across the screen.
But what would healing be? just the same as holy with a plus in front of it?
I personally would be overwhelmed with all the different colors. If it had an option to turn it off i'd sign this. Or maybe have a dmg chart that shows the majority of dmg that you got hit by. To me that would be more usefull than see all the different colors pop up across the screen.
Fallen Hunter
/signed as long as you can turn it off.
Would be useful for some, but not for others. I would probably have it on myself.
Would be useful for some, but not for others. I would probably have it on myself.
healing would just be the blue number over your head as it is now . . . .
I'm not referring to changing the damage numbers that pop up, just the flash of color on your character when struck.
option to turn it off is fine
I'm not referring to changing the damage numbers that pop up, just the flash of color on your character when struck.
option to turn it off is fine
why not use the current system but instead of flashing lights(wooooooo seizures yay!) why not just a text that appear next to the stuff we already have like when it says -39(Water Trident - Cold Dmg) and the same with chars use ele dmg weapons -15 fire dmg for there normal attack etc..
It sounds interesting, but shouldnt an experienced player already know what kind of damage the creature does, or they might recieve?
We all know which ones are mesmas, healers, mages, warriors in a very short time of playing.
You just need to see the animation effect, or what enchant is on you, to see what specific damage is being done.
I dont really see the benefit of this?
We all know which ones are mesmas, healers, mages, warriors in a very short time of playing.
You just need to see the animation effect, or what enchant is on you, to see what specific damage is being done.
I dont really see the benefit of this?
I think the devs have taken a red color for damage flashing just becoz it's easiest to watch.
Imagine a creature spitting out all colours of the rainbow becoz he's being hit by 4 different damage types at the same time.
However should ther be an option to turn it off then I'm not bothered
Imagine a creature spitting out all colours of the rainbow becoz he's being hit by 4 different damage types at the same time.
However should ther be an option to turn it off then I'm not bothered

There's already too much numbers, adding in more color just makes it more confusing.
Like...in Fort Aspenwood...everytime there's a death I get 3 numbers floating on my head. 1 for balthazar faction, 1 for kuzick/luxon faction, and 1 for experience. Plus number from energy gain, damage I dealt, and damage I recieved. Pretty much I'll be seeing 5 numbers on my screen all the time.
There's already too much numbers, adding in more color just makes it more confusing.
Like...in Fort Aspenwood...everytime there's a death I get 3 numbers floating on my head. 1 for balthazar faction, 1 for kuzick/luxon faction, and 1 for experience. Plus number from energy gain, damage I dealt, and damage I recieved. Pretty much I'll be seeing 5 numbers on my screen all the time.
If you would be able to toggle it, I have no problem with it, as I already know what kind of damage most skills do... and newer players who don't know what does what yet, probably would be too confused to comprehend everything that's going on, on their screen...
I wouldn't use it, but I wouldn't mind either, some people get just a little bit more from details like this
I wouldn't use it, but I wouldn't mind either, some people get just a little bit more from details like this
As somebody already mentioned, experienced players should already be able to figure this sort of stuff out. Inexperienced ones won't care and will just find it confusing.
As somebody already mentioned, experienced players should already be able to figure this sort of stuff out. Inexperienced ones won't care and will just find it confusing.
What I want is a different color text when you hit a critical or when you penetrate armor on the enemy.
Originally Posted by lightblade
There's already too much numbers, adding in more color just makes it more confusing. Like...in Fort Aspenwood...everytime there's a death I get 3 numbers floating on my head. 1 for balthazar faction, 1 for kuzick/luxon faction, and 1 for experience. Plus number from energy gain, damage I dealt, and damage I recieved. Pretty much I'll be seeing 5 numbers on my screen all the time. |
It would be funny at times, and annoying at others. So, /signed, if there is an option to disable it for those times when it would be more burden than anything else.