Just a quick question here.
Some of the armour pieces provide defence against piercing, some against slashing, etc.
If I have all my armour pieces with the piercing defence, does it all stack and I gain 3-4 times more defence in that particular defence than I would if I got all the different types of armour pieces?
Assassin armour bonus stacking.
Tetris L
They do stack, kinda, but not the way you probably think.
The bonus is only for the part of the body that is covered by the armor piece. You know each attack has a certain percentage chance to hit a certain part of the body. If a piercing attack hits your chest and your body armor has a bonus against piercing, the bonus will apply. If the attack hits the head and your heargear does not have a bonus vs piercing, no bonus applies. The body armor bonus doesn't apply either.
The bonus is only for the part of the body that is covered by the armor piece. You know each attack has a certain percentage chance to hit a certain part of the body. If a piercing attack hits your chest and your body armor has a bonus against piercing, the bonus will apply. If the attack hits the head and your heargear does not have a bonus vs piercing, no bonus applies. The body armor bonus doesn't apply either.
Right... That's interesting, I had no idea it worked like that. Right, this topic can now be closed, really... But if anyone could tell me which attack type is generally used the most and thus, the best to defend against it would be greatly appreciated.
It varies. Even daggers have different types of physical damage. Not all hammers are blunt. There is a blunt sword. I think all arrows are piercing if they are deaing physical damage but they could be elemental.
Lamont Shadow
unfortunately, I don't know if there is any one kind of damage that is used the most. As a consequence, I have 4 kinds of armor
1 set of nightstalkers with sup dagger and sup vigor - this is my general set since if i am close enough for blunt or slashing damage I am usually attacking and therefore get +15 fairly constantly (about the only time I am hit with blunt from a distance would be things like yetis that throw rocks).
1 set of shrouded for high energy when I am running and keeping skills up is more important than armor
1 set of infiltrator's for defense against piercing since there are some areas where the archers target me before I get in melee range for the attack bonus from nightstalker (large groups of avacara fierce on the way to farm ids, for instance)
1 set of valkyrie's for high hp bonus - although I have not really found a situation where this is especially helpful.
They are each a different color so I know what I am wearing at a glance.
I also have daggers of shelter and warding available for extra +7 defense against physical and elemental respectively.
I also always put my atribute bonuses on my masks (since they already come with various attributes +1) so that I can enhance specific attributes when needed without having to change out a whole set of armor.
don't know if that helped - hope it did
1 set of nightstalkers with sup dagger and sup vigor - this is my general set since if i am close enough for blunt or slashing damage I am usually attacking and therefore get +15 fairly constantly (about the only time I am hit with blunt from a distance would be things like yetis that throw rocks).
1 set of shrouded for high energy when I am running and keeping skills up is more important than armor
1 set of infiltrator's for defense against piercing since there are some areas where the archers target me before I get in melee range for the attack bonus from nightstalker (large groups of avacara fierce on the way to farm ids, for instance)
1 set of valkyrie's for high hp bonus - although I have not really found a situation where this is especially helpful.
They are each a different color so I know what I am wearing at a glance.
I also have daggers of shelter and warding available for extra +7 defense against physical and elemental respectively.
I also always put my atribute bonuses on my masks (since they already come with various attributes +1) so that I can enhance specific attributes when needed without having to change out a whole set of armor.
don't know if that helped - hope it did
You mean you have several sets, all with the same prefix, or that you have those pieces in a custom set?
Honestly, get the +energy kinds and be a bit more careful about not staying in the middle of a fight. All those different sin armor mods are kinda weak.