GW Needs A Selling Hall
Jako Lantern
What ive seen since ive played GW is they really need a place to go So you can set up a market for selling stuff. i think everyone would enjoy something like that. im Sure It would draw players from everywhere to this game since selling things is important and money is important..ty
Use the search function. This has been mentioned plenty of times before.
Jako Lantern
So Do you think that they will every do something like that.Plus More Storage Spaces Or Bags Would Be Nice
yes i think they will.. but when.. who knows...
i agree a bit with you on money is important but it's not a deciding factor having a 500k sword/bow/axe/wand and get owned in AB or DoA. collectors and crafter weapons work wonders.
i agree a bit with you on money is important but it's not a deciding factor having a 500k sword/bow/axe/wand and get owned in AB or DoA. collectors and crafter weapons work wonders.
Even if there is a town set aside for buying and selling we'll still have people spamming stuff everywhere we go so why bother? An auction or merchant system of some kind is needed.
A weapon upgrade vendor would be nice as well.
A weapon upgrade vendor would be nice as well.
This is not the suggestions forum, and it's already been talked about numerous times. Closed.