need 1500 sunspear points!

Dutch Masterr

Dutch Masterr

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006

Long Island, NY

Elite Knights [SWAT]


in nightfall, im up to the quest "a hero shall lead them" and it requires you become a sunspear general. you need 2500 promotion points to become one and i only have 1000. i want to know if there is a faster way to get these points other than sitting there for hours killing random stuff.

Pro Border Crosser

Pro Border Crosser

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007



You could do quests, but I would just stick with collecting bounties and killing things, I believe it goes quicker.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

Do both, kill things while you do quests. Did you skip quests back on Istan?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2006

Just outside of Yohlon Haven to the east is a person that gives a bounty to kill bugs and there is like 20+ bugs around him. Do that a few times and the sunspear points will skyrocket.

Dervish Gnome

Dervish Gnome

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2007

Northern America

Unlikely Heroes of Yesterday


I went Sunspear Point Farming. Here's a link from wiki that gives some help for Point Farming. Sunspear Rank Farming Good Luck!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

house of decay[epic]


The best place i have found to farm suspear points is just outside of venta cemetary get the bounty bring two ten minute scrolls,kill deathbringer and go all the way north west up the wall and you will have a chance at three greens that have a high drop rate that arn't that bad, i think one is a sheild another is a scyth and im not to sure what deathbringer drops.**REMEMBER TO BRING AND USE SCROLLS** its totally worth it their.