azure recurve bow req8 15^50 gold non-inscribable? yes or no?
grim scythe req8 15^50 inscribable? yes or no?
i havenet seen any NF items that are r8 15^50 in any sell thread. can anyone answer this annoying question? thanks a lot.
Do these items exist? Look Here.
Xeones The Great
no - all azure recurves are from NF - all NF golds are inscribable (so while an r8 azure recurve inscribable is possible but rare the non-inscribable isnt, grim scythe - possible again but very rare, and r8 max still exists in NF but its FAR far far more rare of a find than prophesies or factions, as a result far fewer get sold.
I have been through Nightfall 3 times with 3 different characters and have not gotten one max req8 weapon at all. Most of the ones that I have gotten have been req9+ so I would be wary of any req8 weapons in NightFall.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
Xeones The Great
tyvm guys, man, i want a r8 scythe, but with the bow, i can deal with a bit worse-looking r8 15^50 bow from proph/factions. again, tyvm 4 the super fast responses. if any of u happen to see these, tell me, cuz im interested lol. im gonna make a sell thread buyin a grim scythe, thx guys.
one more thing, though. why are they so rare, nightfall has been out for 4 months now, shouldnt they start to be in the market? whatever anyways...
one more thing, though. why are they so rare, nightfall has been out for 4 months now, shouldnt they start to be in the market? whatever anyways...
Originally Posted by Xeones The Great
one more thing, though. why are they so rare, nightfall has been out for 4 months now, shouldnt they start to be in the market? whatever anyways...
how would something be 15^50 and inscribable?
Not all golds are inscribable. I have gotten a gold sword that had no inherent mod or slot of inscription. Was kind of shocked really. I have never seen a gold anything below req 9. I have seen non-max purples and blues at req 8, infact I have a purple req8 energy +12 inscribable domination offhand that I thought was quite the rarity, but not golds.