After you Kill Mallyx

Kael Beowulf

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Purest Guild


I thought after we beated city, veil, gloom and foundry we would be allowed free at the citadel but istead of it i got to see the quest to go by the 4 places to then get in the citadel again, is that the only way to get there? Or i'd be able to if i didn't got the reward from Zellyx? Thanks Very Much for your answer



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Grind is subjective

learn this please

Once you kill Mallyx, you have to do the entirety of the DoA over again in order to fight him once more.

I have a feeling this was done to keep his greens relatively rare, though I've no idea the actual rationale.




Join Date: Nov 2005

Northern California



Originally Posted by Kakumei
Once you kill Mallyx, you have to do the entirety of the DoA over again in order to fight him once more.

I have a feeling this was done to keep his greens relatively rare, though I've no idea the actual rationale.
searching for any rationale in regards to DOA is an exercise in futility