Im starting at Rung 1


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007

Hi! My name is Josh. I have owned Guild Wars for months now and played it for .. 3 hours at the most. I was addicted beyond recognition to World of Warcraft. I waited in a 250 person line for the new Expansion to World of Warcraft and when I played it. It sucked. Nothing new, huge lag issues, completely obsessive levelers(one person made it from level 60 to 70 in 28 Hours flat... that obsessive). So Im quitting it. I saw a commercial for Guild Wars and I remembered I had it. So I installed it and here I am. Here are a few of my questions, I really want to know them because I would like to get my brothers into this game too.(I dont have any expansion by the way, not yet anyways.)

-What is the storyline? I'm confused about the Searing thing and I have lost my little guide that came with the game so I cant find out through there.

-What is the aim? What am I aiming to do. I heard the game is more based on skill rather than play time(like WoW).

-What are my skill choices.. or rather.. what are the skills available to me with only the game and no expansions.

Basically I just wish to know what the games main idea is and what I am offered. I love the idea of keeping my 15 buck payments to WOW. And if I can finally play a game where Skill rivals Gear I would be more than happy to buy my brothers copies of the game and get us started. I Thank you for your time.





Join Date: Oct 2006


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007

Ty so much That site told me everything

Pan Head

Pan Head

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2006


Welcome to the game.

one more WoW player converted.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


gear here will get you no advantage over others with the same or near same stats...the only thing grind gets you here really is elite looking things rather than actual elite items.



Never Too Old

Join Date: Jul 2006

Rhode Island where there are no GW contests

Order of First


Make sure you read the Scams part of the Basic section. And look at the check list on the wiki for what you should have before leaving the "pre-searing" beginner area.

Welcome to the game and to guru.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007

I have read the scams section. But I'm confused as to what I need to make sure to do. I have chose my two professions and gotten a Ressurection signet. I have done a quest that give 1 ability point. I am level 3. It says I can leave where im at now but never come back so im not choosing to do that without making sure im on the right track



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by Jman6807
I have read the scams section. But I'm confused as to what I need to make sure to do. I have chose my two professions and gotten a Ressurection signet. I have done a quest that give 1 ability point. I am level 3. It says I can leave where im at now but never come back so im not choosing to do that without making sure im on the right track
Smart choice, do not leave pre(searing Ascalon) until you're at least level 6. Go do more quests and stuff. If you want help I'm thinking about making another proph(ecies campaign) char so I could help you out. Only problem is who do I choose to kill? I put too much time into all my chars to just axe one...

The Searing is something special. You'll see what all the hype is about if you keep playing

IGN: Amy the Asskicker. I might have some stuff for you to give, I'll have to look through my inventories though.

Oh, remember that Black Dye is ~6K. Not 100g. I made that mistake once. ONCE.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

south mississippi

Warriors Of Melos WOM


Welcome to GW Jman. There are a dozen or so quests in the Pre-Searing to do. You can stay as long as you want to or get out as quick as possible. Depending on how much you realy want to learn about the first part of the game you can stay a while in post searing and have a bit of fun. I usualy tell players to stay until at least lvl 6 so when they leave they have a basic understanding of the skill sets and the attributes. It all depends upon the player. Good Luck and if you need any help just pm me in game if i am on i will try to answer.

Mega Mouse


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007

My in game IGN is Josh Pettey.. which is my real name.. figured that would make sense -_-

sorry for the long reply I was munchin on Peanut Butter toast

BTW, I see people winning battles in the "Hall of Heroes" where is the Hall of Heroes? And what kind of battles are we talking about? PVP?

hmm I think ima log off, But thanks a ton for your guys help, I think im understanding this stuff now and hopefully I can get my brothers into it.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by Jman6807
BTW, I see people winning battles in the "Hall of Heroes" where is the Hall of Heroes? And what kind of battles are we talking about? PVP?
HoH is PvP, yes. I don't know much about HoH because I dont do it much (Too hard!). When your server (America, Europe, Taiwan, Japan, ect.) win 5 HoH battles in a row they take the favor of the gods. The Halls are physically located nowhere, you can only get there after beating several other groups of players starting in Hero's Ascent (HA) in the Battle Isles (Click the ship on your map when you reach Lion's Arch (LA).

If you have favor you get access to the Underworld (UW) and the Fissure of Woe (FoW). They are like raids or instances or dungeons or whatever in WoW (I never played, my knowledge comes from hearing my friends talk about it. I probaly used the wrong word... Thrice).

You have to get Ascended to get there though. So make sure you do that before going to the ToA (Temple of the Ages) and asking to join a group. They're filled with lots and lots of high level monsters that drop good loot, along with the coveted Globs of Ectoplasm and Obsidian Shards. FoW is best for loot, UW is only worth it if you dual farm with a 55 monk for ecto IMO.


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



Browse around our forums here at Guru and read the stickies. If you just have a presearing character that hasn't moved into postsearing yet, you can go ahead and delete it and make something that doesn't use your real name.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Welcome to GW. I'd recommend getting to at least level seven before going to the Acadamy. Save all your dyes - they're worth MUCH more than the 1g the the merchant will buy them for. Black and white dyes are worth thousands.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007

Wait, am I not sposed to use my real name?.. i figured thats what they wanted me to do... meh im fine with it if it doesnt matter.. I mean crap.. I was born with this name might as well put it to more use


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007

... This game sounds freaking awesome!.. all this gods thing and getting "Ascended" and all this sounds freaking cool... now to get out of Noobville and move on to the big boys... its a hard transition.. I played WOW for 2 years.. im currently a level 62 Night elf Druid.. and im bored out of my skull.. yougot the name right Cataclysm(it was Instances/Raids).. btw.. im gonna go level up some more.. I was just busy watching Dirty Jobs on the TV :P But so far this game sounds tight.. hopefully if I play it more I can keep my brothers interested


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



Well, using your real name on the net isn't very smart. A semi-intelligent person with malicious intent could misuse that information.



Site Contributor

Join Date: Dec 2005



You can use whatever name you like.. long as it isn't rude/offensive and has the right number of characters.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007

well then for safety sake it isnt my real name :P


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007

Is it okay to leave PreSearing at level 4.. because this place is driving me nuts.. I kinda wana move on if its a possibility.. Ive got a Ressurection Signet.. ive got my 2nd profession.. and I dont see anything else really important to do here... except quests like bringing a basket of apples to some lady who is afraid of spiders or somethin.. I can make it to 5 if its a big deal.. im like halfway there so it shouldnt be a problem.. just wanted to make sure


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



Look at Guild Wiki for the list of trainers and get all your free skills from quest rewards before you leave. After that, go ahead and leave presearing.

Real Evidence

Real Evidence

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006

The Hague



Welcome to the game, i'm sure you will enjoy!



Never Too Old

Join Date: Jul 2006

Rhode Island where there are no GW contests

Order of First


Make sure you have as much gold as possible. When you leave pre-searing for the main game you will need to do two things immediately.

1. buy storage - costs 50g for item and 50g for material storage

2. get better armor - which will require gold and materials

You also will be fighting monsters that will attack you in groups without provocation. The higher your level, the more attribute points you will have and the more damage you will be able to do.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Better Than Life (BTL)


Be warned though :-) Guild Wars can be equally as addictive as WoW!

I bet you will find yourself doing "Just one more quest..", "Just one more mission..", and later when you have finished the game, "Just one more tenth of a percent exploring.." then still later, "Just one more smite run", Just one more troll run" etc. etc. etc.

Welcome (back) to the game :-))


Join Date: Dec 2005




Doing quests levels up faster than killing monsters. ( at least in Factions and Nightfall )



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



Also if you check on wiki
You can see a list of quests.
This way you can figure which ones you did or didn't.
At least you will know where some quests are in pre sear until you get used to the game and know how to find stuff.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Cheltenham, Glos, UK

Wolf Pack Samurai [WPS]


Originally Posted by Hengis Stone
Be warned though :-) Guild Wars can be equally as addictive as WoW!

I bet you will find yourself doing "Just one more quest..", "Just one more mission..", and later when you have finished the game, "Just one more tenth of a percent exploring.." then still later, "Just one more smite run", Just one more troll run" etc. etc. etc.
there is a difference though, I bet you look at the clock after you finish a mission/quest... that rarely happens when you play an MMO



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

I'd say once you have all the skills for your professions plus the skill point quest then you can leave. The game will make a big jump in difficulty as enemies will then attack on sight and many will be higher level than you.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

heh Pre-searing is the best place in Prophecies mate. Some ppl stay in there to lvl 20. sit on a hill and enjoy the view. don't rush through it like that French dude in WoW.