Originally Posted by NeHoMaR
I don't live in USA and I know nothing about their laws (and I don't care really  ) Anyway, I think pending is not the same as registered, so, I don't think I am wrong in my past post after all 
Pending means that it is filed with the USPTO, awaiting publication. In this state, the trademark filing is not available to the public. When you make a product, you file the trademark with the USPTO. It will remain pending until the filing company decides to publish it for opposition. This is usually done very shortly before launching whatever product it might be.
"Guild Wars Nightfall" was filed with the USPTO on April 18th, 2006. It was published for opposition on August 1st, 2006, right around the first public beta event.
This means that the name for campaign 4 is almost definitely filed with the USPTO, but is yet to be published for opposition, meaning that yes, the name "does exist legally", and that yes, you were wrong in your post afterall.
It's all on the USPTO site if you'd bother reading up on it before making these claims.