Anyone remember when we got 1st info about Factions and Nightfall?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

- Guild Wars Factions, released April 28th, 2006.
- Guild Wars Nightfall, released October 27th, 2006.

Anyone remember when we got the first official info about that 2 campaigns?

Looking at Guildwiki:
- Guild Wars Factions Global Free-for-All PvP Weekend (January 20-22, 2006)
- Guild Wars Nightfall PvP Preview Event. (July 28-30, 2006)

So, Factions PvP weekend was at January end, so ...



The Humanoid Typhoon

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Shouldn't this be in the Q&A forum?

Anyways most likely will release info on Chapter 4 in this month, till then we have to wait and see.



The Greatest

Join Date: Feb 2006


People have been saying GW4 will be released in August. (Not official) If it's true, that's why.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Lost in the sands of time...

Blood Of Orr [BoO]


The factions PvP event was at the end of january last year The PvE event was around mid march i do belive. So i would imagine news should be coming soon.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Well, at this date 1st February (2006) we had a lot info about Factions, even played a full weekend with Ritualists and Assassins. I really doubt the next campaign will be released in April 28th, and in some way (I don't know exactly why) I am happy for that.

Note Factions and Nightfall PvP Preview Events were THREE months before release?



Never Too Old

Join Date: Jul 2006

Rhode Island where there are no GW contests

Order of First


Just a reminder that as ANet is still working on the skill and PvP balances, I don't think they would put on a PvP preview event until that is finished.

And I agree, NeHoMaR, part of me is full of anticipation for the new chapter and a larger part of me is not ready for it.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Cheltenham, Glos, UK

Wolf Pack Samurai [WPS]


Originally Posted by Arkantos
People have been saying GW4 will be released in August. (Not official) If it's true, that's why.
Actually some sites and retail outlets, especially in the UK have Chapter 4 slated for September



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

Previous chapter's dates when info was released, game shops listing release dates, rumors amongst the fansites...none of this matters nor does it affect a release date. Anet will choose to inform us of what is coming and also choose a release date for it as they please, what works for them.

Is there a filter here on guru so I don't have to see these kinds of posts any more!?!?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by DeanBB
Is there a filter here on guru so I don't have to see these kinds of posts any more!?!?
I am just comparing past dates with present dates I mean, C4 is obviously delayed in some way (at least for info about it and PvP preview event, if any)



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Cheltenham, Glos, UK

Wolf Pack Samurai [WPS]


Originally Posted by NeHoMaR
I am just comparing past dates with present dates I mean, C4 is obviously delayed in some way (at least for info about it and PvP preview event, if any)
No Chapter 4 is not delayed, Talking to Izzy last night it seems they aren't following the 6 month release schedule anymore... Which is a shame and I feel quite depressed about it, but oh well



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
No Chapter 4 is not delayed, Talking to Izzy last night it seems they aren't following the 6 month release schedule anymore... Which is a shame and I feel quite depressed about it, but oh well
Where you read that info?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Lunar Templars


To return to the original question, the official press announcement for Factions was on January 10, 2006 and for Nightfall was July 18, 2006.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by Villager
To return to the original question, the official press announcement for Factions was on January 10, 2006 and for Nightfall was July 18, 2006.
Well, next campaign name doesn't exist legally yet, the only registered in USA are GW, GWF and GWN, no more; and that is maybe one of the 1st thing they must do? not sure


Join Date: Dec 2005




They could wait with CH4 all that I care. Haven't finished CH3 campaign yet.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

Originally Posted by NeHoMaR
Well, next campaign name doesn't exist legally yet, the only registered in USA are GW, GWF and GWN, no more; and that is maybe one of the 1st thing they must do? not sure
Just to contain this misinformation, a trademark will only be publicly available from the USPTO when it is published for opposition. This doesn't happen until about a month before the actual release. The name is very likely already pending with the USPTO.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by mikkel
Just to contain this misinformation, a trademark will only be publicly available from the USPTO when it is published for opposition. This doesn't happen until about a month before the actual release. The name is very likely already pending with the USPTO.
I don't live in USA and I know nothing about their laws (and I don't care really ) Anyway, I think pending is not the same as registered, so, I don't think I am wrong in my past post after all

On topic, thinking a little more, I don't want new campaign released yet, maybe at the end of 2007; not exactly sure why but I still think release big new content now will "confuse" the things a lot.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

Originally Posted by NeHoMaR
I don't live in USA and I know nothing about their laws (and I don't care really ) Anyway, I think pending is not the same as registered, so, I don't think I am wrong in my past post after all
Pending means that it is filed with the USPTO, awaiting publication. In this state, the trademark filing is not available to the public. When you make a product, you file the trademark with the USPTO. It will remain pending until the filing company decides to publish it for opposition. This is usually done very shortly before launching whatever product it might be.

"Guild Wars Nightfall" was filed with the USPTO on April 18th, 2006. It was published for opposition on August 1st, 2006, right around the first public beta event.

This means that the name for campaign 4 is almost definitely filed with the USPTO, but is yet to be published for opposition, meaning that yes, the name "does exist legally", and that yes, you were wrong in your post afterall.

It's all on the USPTO site if you'd bother reading up on it before making these claims.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by mikkel
... you were wrong in your post afterall.
You argue like if you will win something proving I am wrong! I have 1 dollar here, do you want it?

Ah! and I will quote myself here:
Originally Posted by NeHoMaR
I don't live in USA and I know nothing about their laws (and I don't care really )



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

Originally Posted by NeHoMaR
You argue like if you will win something proving I am wrong! I have 1 dollar here, do you want it?

Ah! and I will quote myself here:
I'm not arguing anything. I'm telling you. When you're being paraphrased, it's a good idea not to bring out any obvious shortcomings, as they're inherently yours. That's usually the point of paraphrasing.

It's obvious that you don't care whether the information you're spreading is reliable or not, as is shown by your lack of even basic investigation into the matter, but you did care enough about it being exposed to actually make a rebuttal, and then copping out like this instead of conceding.

I have a cookie and a kleenex for you if you want them.



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

Spencerport, NY

Guild Wars Team Play


dibs on the

I hope they wait with chapter 4 i haven't finished 3 yet lol



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by mikkel
I'm not arguing anything. I'm telling you. When you're being paraphrased, it's a good idea not to bring ..... Blah, Blah, Blah!!!
You are one of the people that never shut up? and destroy threads with offtopic sh*t, OK, I will let you say the last word, and you will be happy. Bye. EDIT: Owned! Hahaha! read down, he couldn't resist
Originally Posted by foamymaster1479
I hope they wait with chapter 4 i haven't finished 3 yet lol
Well, I am "trying" to finish the Luxon part of Factions, not even touched one quest/mission of that part.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

Originally Posted by NeHoMaR
You are one of the people that never shut up? and destroy threads with offtopic sh*t, OK, I will let you say the last word, and you will be happy. Bye.
As long as you keep quoting my posts, I'll reply. If you're going to provoke me, I'll rebut. What exactly do you expect?

What I've said has been entirely on topic until you decided to derail it with a pathetic insult, so if anyone's destrying anything by taking it off-topic, I'm afraid that's you. You have a rather warped view on handing someone the last word, NeHoMaR, and I strongly suggest you check your posts for logic before trying to end something with an insult under the guise of attempting to be the better person when you clearly are incapable of being that.

To sum it up for the viewing public, the fact that the name for the next chapter isn't publicly available from the USPTO is to be expected, and if trends continue, it will only become public a month or two before release. Anyone claiming it to be evidence of either that chapter 4 development hasn't started, or that chapter 4 doesn't have a name yet should be ignored.