The next professions...any ideas?

Hyprodimus Prime

Hyprodimus Prime

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

Vancouver BC

Sorrow Masters


Factions brought us the assasina dn ritualists while nightfall brought use the dervish and the paragon. What will be next?

I think a technology based profesion should be next. Maybe they visit a high(er) tech continent in which the new profession can make machinary.

1) Alchemists (casters)
Primiary attribute is alchemy, able to convert energy into steel, iron, adamantine etc. Metals are "collected" and a counter telling how much of "deldmore alloy" or aluminum or whatever metal it is you made are shown.
-Metal mastery: makes machines/armor and buffs out of metal. You get the materials from Alchemy.When you use an Assembly Skill (its like a binding ritual which means long "cast" times) you create the machines. They can act as minions, add weapon buffs and armor increases. Each skill may use up metal but no energy.
Metal Mastery may be seen as elements. There is a ______mastery for each of the metals. I havent figured them all out yet though. So maybe 3 types of metals?

-Tool mastery: increases the damage done by Throwing hammer(i havent figured this weapon out yet) and its like spear mastery swordsmanship etc. And weapon related skills too. It also decreases the cast time of Assembly Skills.

Alchemists have warrior grade armor with 2 pips or regen. 40 energy.

And its not like 21st century technology its basic steam and iron stuff like the dwarves in GW.
Maybe its crazy, but what do you think?

Real Evidence

Real Evidence

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006

The Hague



this is the questions and answers forum, i think this should be at suggestions?

Hyprodimus Prime

Hyprodimus Prime

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

Vancouver BC

Sorrow Masters


Yes, you are right...didnt see that sorry.