I have managed 99.8% exploration in Tyria, then 99% in Elona, downloaded several 100% maps and compared to mine, but they seems to be less explored. I read that you can keep some leak in exploration, but I explored everything without getting the grandmaster title.
The question is that is there a way to recalculate the explored ratio based on my map? Is there a known bug about this? How can I reach the grandmaster title?
Pls dont write about places and wallhugging I know everything about it, I really explored all the map.
Thank you
Exploration question
best thing to do is post a pic of your map and let others examine it that have got the 100% title. I would suggest posting in the Elona Exploer forum as well as the Tyrian Explorer Forum. after all 2 sets of eyes is better than one...it could just be something you are overlooking...let others take a look and maybe they can spot it right away.
Good Luck
Good Luck
No, you really didn't explore all of the map. Even Grandmaster Cartographers haven't explored all of the map.
Tips and Maps for 100% Tyria Exploration
Livingston's Guide to becoming a Grandmaster Elonian Cartographer!
Ask in those two threads and have screenshots ready. Closed.
Tips and Maps for 100% Tyria Exploration
Livingston's Guide to becoming a Grandmaster Elonian Cartographer!
Ask in those two threads and have screenshots ready. Closed.