Exploration question


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007




I have managed 99.8% exploration in Tyria, then 99% in Elona, downloaded several 100% maps and compared to mine, but they seems to be less explored. I read that you can keep some leak in exploration, but I explored everything without getting the grandmaster title.

The question is that is there a way to recalculate the explored ratio based on my map? Is there a known bug about this? How can I reach the grandmaster title?

Pls dont write about places and wallhugging I know everything about it, I really explored all the map.

Thank you



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


best thing to do is post a pic of your map and let others examine it that have got the 100% title. I would suggest posting in the Elona Exploer forum as well as the Tyrian Explorer Forum. after all 2 sets of eyes is better than one...it could just be something you are overlooking...let others take a look and maybe they can spot it right away.

Good Luck



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

No, you really didn't explore all of the map. Even Grandmaster Cartographers haven't explored all of the map.

Tips and Maps for 100% Tyria Exploration
Livingston's Guide to becoming a Grandmaster Elonian Cartographer!

Ask in those two threads and have screenshots ready. Closed.