A variety of semi-noob questions.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006


Spirit of Elisha


First thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this.

Ok, I've been playing GW for about 6 months now. I've learned a lot in those 6 months, but I still have a long ways to go. I own all 3 campiagns, but haven't finished any of them yet. (I have a bad habit of deleting chars and starting over)

I have a few semi-newbie questions that I haven't found the answer to yet if any of you experienced folks can answer them.

1. When I approach a skill trainer, I see a bunch of skills that I don't yet own. Many of them are "unlocked" which means that my PvP chars and Heroes can use them. However, what if I delete the char that unlocked them? Will they lock back up or have I permanently unlocked them?

2. From reading the posts here, I've learned that I can have no more than 100k. Is there also a max wealth that I can hold in storage? What is it? I certainly hope it's more than 100k. At this point in the game, I've amassed 50k in storage and about 5-6k on each of my chars. I would have a lot more, but my Ranger is a spendthrift. She is sooo needy. She demanded 2 full sets of max armor for her builds, 2 green bows, 2 max longbows (each with different bowstrings), a hammer so she could try the thumper build and now she's demanding a +15 energy staff for her UW trapping escapades! She better start collecting some ectos pretty soon, because I can't support her anymore.

3. Uh, what is that Red/Blue line in factions? I know it has something to do with the Luxon/Kurzick fight. Does it affect gameplay at all?

4. I like my monk a lot, she's very low maintenance and undemanding. Ironic, since she's also the only char I have with Black dyed armor. Well, I tried monking in RA and died within 2 seconds each time. The monks just seem to have a giant bullseye painted on them in all the PvP arenas. Any tips for surviving a bit longer? Or is this just something that will come with more experience.

5. Are there any Easter Eggs hidden in this game? I haven't seen any posts here that mentioned any, but most games have a few. I'm talking about something like....Go to Ascalon trader and buy purple dye. Next kneel in front of fountain. Go outside and drop Dye on ground. The sky will turn purple and an airplane will skywrite your char's name.

6. Ok, how can I reach the Elite missions in Factions? And please don't respond with the lame answer that I just to join an alliance that owns the town. I'm very happy with my current guild and I'm not planning on leaving them. However, my current alliance is small and has no desire to own a town. Does this mean I'm simply outta luck?

7. Ok, not really a question, just an observation. When I go adventuring with heroes and henchies they always take part of the loot. For example if I go outside with a party of 3 (me and 2 heroes) and the monster we just killed drops 30 gold pieces, I only get 10 when I pick it up. The heroes got the other 20. This makes sense and I'm not complaining about this system. But in that case, WHY THE HECK AM I PAYING A SMALL FORTUNE TO OUTFIT KOSS! Geez, that warrior should be richer than I am!! Koss needs to just start buying his own weapons! I feel like the parent who's giving the kids a generous allowance, yet they still come to me whenever they want stuff.
Koss: Mommy! I really gotta have that Ssaki's Sword. Please mommy, please please please please!!!
Me: What happened to the 15k you earned on those 2 missions we just finished?
Koss: Uh, I um...uh...blew it on tips...um...to the dancing girl in town.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006

1). Once you have unlocked skills they stay unlocked.

2).1000 plat (1 million gold) is the max holdable in the storage vault.

3).That line is based off Kurzick/Luxon control of an area, and is decided by AB's. It affects resurrection shrines and merchants.

4). More experience and better builds are the answers here. Look around on here and on the Wiki.

5). No easter eggs like that you're thinking. Easter eggs in GW consist of pop-culture references, etc.

6). No, you can usually find a "ferry" in the capital towns that will take you to an elite mission for free/tips.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

The heroes aren't whiners and will happily use whatever you give them for gear. Just upgrade them as better stuff drops or use the free collector gear.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2006

I dunno


Originally Posted by TheRaven
First thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this.

Ok, I've been playing GW for about 6 months now. I've learned a lot in those 6 months, but I still have a long ways to go. I own all 3 campiagns, but haven't finished any of them yet. (I have a bad habit of deleting chars and starting over)

I have a few semi-newbie questions that I haven't found the answer to yet if any of you experienced folks can answer them.

1. When I approach a skill trainer, I see a bunch of skills that I don't yet own. Many of them are "unlocked" which means that my PvP chars and Heroes can use them. However, what if I delete the char that unlocked them? Will they lock back up or have I permanently unlocked them?
If you delete your char, your skill is still unlocked for your pvp chars or heroes.

2. From reading the posts here, I've learned that I can have no more than 100k. Is there also a max wealth that I can hold in storage? What is it? I certainly hope it's more than 100k. At this point in the game, I've amassed 50k in storage and about 5-6k on each of my chars. I would have a lot more, but my Ranger is a spendthrift. She is sooo needy. She demanded 2 full sets of max armor for her builds, 2 green bows, 2 max longbows (each with different bowstrings), a hammer so she could try the thumper build and now she's demanding a +15 energy staff for her UW trapping escapades! She better start collecting some ectos pretty soon, because I can't support her anymore.
The max gold you can put at storage is 1 mil gold or 1,000k.

3. Uh, what is that Red/Blue line in factions? I know it has something to do with the Luxon/Kurzick fight. Does it affect gameplay at all?
The red/blue line means that some towns in Kurzik terroritory has been taken over by luxons and vice versa. The red/blue line reflects that.

4. I like my monk a lot, she's very low maintenance and undemanding. Ironic, since she's also the only char I have with Black dyed armor. Well, I tried monking in RA and died within 2 seconds each time. The monks just seem to have a giant bullseye painted on them in all the PvP arenas. Any tips for surviving a bit longer? Or is this just something that will come with more experience.
If you have a spare slot, create a pvp monk char and you can choose what armor you want. Unfortuntely other pvp chars like to target monks first because they heal So you will have to learn how to kite and run around while healing. This is the difference between a pve monk and pvp monk.

5. Are there any Easter Eggs hidden in this game? I haven't seen any posts here that mentioned any, but most games have a few. I'm talking about something like....Go to Ascalon trader and buy purple dye. Next kneel in front of fountain. Go outside and drop Dye on ground. The sky will turn purple and an airplane will skywrite your char's name.
There's only one easter egg in the game that I know off. In Abaddon's gate mission, you can dance in front of Abaddon and Abaddon will do a dance and kill your party members.


6. Ok, how can I reach the Elite missions in Factions? And please don't respond with the lame answer that I just to join an alliance that owns the town. I'm very happy with my current guild and I'm not planning on leaving them. However, my current alliance is small and has no desire to own a town. Does this mean I'm simply outta luck?
In House Zu Heltzer or Cavalon, you will have to ask for a ferry. They will usually ask you for a 'tip' for bringing you to the elite for grouping with them to the mission.

7. Ok, not really a question, just an observation. When I go adventuring with heroes and henchies they always take part of the loot. For example if I go outside with a party of 3 (me and 2 heroes) and the monster we just killed drops 30 gold pieces, I only get 10 when I pick it up. The heroes got the other 20. This makes sense and I'm not complaining about this system. But in that case, WHY THE HECK AM I PAYING A SMALL FORTUNE TO OUTFIT KOSS! Geez, that warrior should be richer than I am!! Koss needs to just start buying his own weapons! I feel like the parent who's giving the kids a generous allowance, yet they still come to me whenever they want stuff.
Koss: Mommy! I really gotta have that Ssaki's Sword. Please mommy, please please please please!!!
Me: What happened to the 15k you earned on those 2 missions we just finished?
Koss: Uh, I um...uh...blew it on tips...um...to the dancing girl in town
Unfortunately, when you group with heroes or henchies you will split on loot and gold.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006

1. Yes. You can safely delete that character.
2. 100K per char, 1000K in storage
3. It's the border of the Luxon/Kurzick area. It hardly affects gameplay exept res shrines.
4. You probably went into RA with a PvE build. Builds are very important, as is dmg migration through kiting. If you want more specific information on monk builds, you can try visiting the Gladiator's Arena (and use search, NOT make a thread if anyone can tell you some builds. That's highly annoying. Also don't post your build unless it's a team build), or you can try to send me a PM.
5.No. Exept Abaddon who serves you.
6.Get a taxi or something like that. Once you've been there once you'll keep the outpost unlocked.
7. No idea.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006


Spirit of Elisha


Originally Posted by DeanBB
The heroes aren't whiners and will happily use whatever you give them for gear. Just upgrade them as better stuff drops or use the free collector gear.
lol, in reality my heroes are very neglected. I'm just lucky that GW doesn't have a Hero Protective Services agency.

I don't like the hero system that Nightfall introduced (yeah, I know, I'm the only one) and I haven't really gotten the hang of using them. Koss and company still have the starter weapons that they came with, with a couple of exceptions. I'll throw a weapon or 2 their way when I remember. Melonni is probably the worst off of all of them. I never created a Dervish char and so I have almost no Dervish skills unlocked. Melonni's skill bar is a mess!

The really sad part is when I warp into a random town and see...
"Koss has 45 unallocated skill points"
"Dunkoro has 36 unallocated skill points"
Oh yeah, they leveled up a while back didn't they? Ooops!

Personally, I really prefer exploring with real people. I have a hard enough time outfitting my chars and their skill bars without being responsible for 3 more heroes as well.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006


Spirit of Elisha


Thx for all the answers guys. I'll look for the Abaddon stuff when I get there.

I'll keep working on my monk. She's awesome with PvE missions. I can almost solo most areas that I've reached (nope, she's not 55) but I really suck at PvP, well except for the Shiverpeak arena. I won 11 in a row there and I actually enjoyed it. I'm over Level 15 now though so thats off limits. (And, no I didn't go into RA with a Level 15. It was a PvP only Level 20 monk). I'll keep working on the build. I found a few in the forums here, but they didn't work for me. I just need to concentrate on finishing the PvE storylines and capping more elites I think.

It's good to hear about the 1000p wealth limit. Someone else told me that 100k was the limit period! 100k in storage and 100k on each char. That seemed a bit low to me, especially when trying to buy high end armor and weapons. I wasn't looking forward to converting everything to ectos.

Whispering Siren

Whispering Siren

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by Thomas.knbk
6.Get a taxi or something like that. Once you've been there once you'll keep the outpost unlocked.
unless you "park" your character there (meaning - you never move from that outpost) you WILL need a ferry each time you want to return to the elite mission, it's a hidden outpost that does not show up on your map.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


Originally Posted by TheRaven
5. Are there any Easter Eggs hidden in this game? I haven't seen any posts here that mentioned any, but most games have a few. I'm talking about something like....Go to Ascalon trader and buy purple dye. Next kneel in front of fountain. Go outside and drop Dye on ground. The sky will turn purple and an airplane will skywrite your char's name.
As mentioned earlier, Nightfall has the only official do X cause Y to happen type of easter egg. Factions however is one big homage to Firefly / Serenity, The Blue Oyster Cult and Saturday Night Live



Join Date: Jul 2006


1.No they will stay unlocked all the time.

2. Lol my ranger has the same problem..and yes its true that you can only hold 100k on each character but for the storage you can hold up to 1000k..so if you start going over better buy ectos and what not

3. Yes it has to do with Luxon and Kur...depending on who wins more alliance battles the line wil curve and allow lux or kur to own osme of the kur or lux towns....as for game play? no not really unless you want to talk the the merchant or other people standing on the rez shrines

4. Well first thing that comes to mind is you need a better build that is cut out for PvP..your build is probably a god for PvE but there are different needs in PvP..so best thing is get a better build (i suggest WoH, or a form of prot...)

5. Lol i wish but no...if your server gets favor you can kneel in front of a rez shrine and a god will pop out and you can buy special offerings lol.

6. Get a ferry for free or pay tips for one (be carful as elite missions are very hard and you are allowed 12 players)

7. Lol that short story thing made me laugh...and if you want to think of it this way...Koss gives the money he earns to anet who then thorws it out over a blimp for monsters to eat and drop when they get killed lol...never ending circle of life :/....you can always use blues and collector items for your heros..weapons are like armor after max dmg and stuff its all about the skin.

btw as yoiu see on the side my main profession is a monk so if you ever need help feel free to pm me



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006

Originally Posted by Whispering Siren
unless you "park" your character there (meaning - you never move from that outpost) you WILL need a ferry each time you want to return to the elite mission, it's a hidden outpost that does not show up on your map.
OK, I'm not anywhere near an expert on Elite Missions, so I'll take your word for it.



Join Date: Jul 2006


yeah he tells the truth..unless oyu leave your char there and log out you will have to get a ferry there every time