I loved the catacombs pre-searing, but I've yet to come across any other "dungeon" type area's since then. I love dungeon crawling, are there any other dungeons in GW? I have all the chapters but I am only playing thru chapter one at the moment.
Sorrows Furnace, Tombs, some locations in Factions, some in Nighfall. Vast majority are outdoors though.
Rodhin Kinning
Sorrows Furnace would be the main one you would want to check out. Its in Chapter 1 outside Deldrimor War Camp (Outpost) in the Southern Shiverpeaks.
Very nice area to explore and farm.
Very nice area to explore and farm.

I have to agree, while there are dungeons in every campain, sorrow's furnace is the best place. Especially if you want to get green items since there is a minimum of 9 items per profession inside sf and 3 items per profesion outside sf, in grenth's foothprint. Theres also the Domain of Anguish in nightfall where you can get very good items, but its probably the hardest place in GW.