Someone Might Have Reported Me
Adam of Tyria
I think someone reported me and I need help, but your probably thinking "He did something wrong why should we help?" Listen to my story.
Ok my cousin came over the other day and he saw me playing some hero battles. He thought it looked cool and he asked if he could play. I let him play one round and while he was playing I went somewhere else for a while. When I came back I found that he lost and said some inappropriate things so a player and the player responded by taking a screenshot and saying that he has proof and will report me.
If I get banned for my cousins misbehavior, can I tell Anet what happened and I was falsly accused?
Ok my cousin came over the other day and he saw me playing some hero battles. He thought it looked cool and he asked if he could play. I let him play one round and while he was playing I went somewhere else for a while. When I came back I found that he lost and said some inappropriate things so a player and the player responded by taking a screenshot and saying that he has proof and will report me.
If I get banned for my cousins misbehavior, can I tell Anet what happened and I was falsly accused?
It is the account that gets banned, not a person. You are responsible for your account.
If you do get banned, you can try the lame "it wasn't me" excuse but I doubt it would matter.
They don't perma-ban for something like this, do they?
If you do get banned, you can try the lame "it wasn't me" excuse but I doubt it would matter.
They don't perma-ban for something like this, do they?
Lamont Shadow
allowing someone else to play on your account is techinically against the EULA so either way, you lose.
However, for bad language it shouldn't be a long ban for a first time offense anyway.
allowing someone else to play on your account is techinically against the EULA so either way, you lose.
However, for bad language it shouldn't be a long ban for a first time offense anyway.
You may also want to change your password so your cousin can't log in while you are not around.
Adam of Tyria
Are you sure I will banned right off the spot? Or will they give me a warning?
Jumping Is Uselss
I dont think you will get permanently banned just because you were saying some bad stuff. Anet has bigger things to worry about than banning people who swear in game. I've been in lots of teams that cuss out the other team using REALLY offensive words, but that hasn't stopped them from playing. If you go to Balthazar Temple or Grotto, people there are always saying nasty stuff to each other, but they are still there everyday.
its not likley that they will ban you.people say "im going to report you" all the time, but almost no one does and if they do anet dosnt do anything.
Xenex Xclame
The temporary ban itself is the warning. ( i believe the lowest is 7 hours?)
Besides whatever happens , i don't think you should get banned , or even get a warning, there is a language filter in the game if the person on the other side takes it off they cant complain about someone else in my opinion.
Now if your cousin said stuff to bypass the filter like use symbols or spaces to get the message passed the filter then yes,if not, then nothing should be done.
And yeah i agree with the rest, your account, your responsiblity. (sp?)
Besides whatever happens , i don't think you should get banned , or even get a warning, there is a language filter in the game if the person on the other side takes it off they cant complain about someone else in my opinion.
Now if your cousin said stuff to bypass the filter like use symbols or spaces to get the message passed the filter then yes,if not, then nothing should be done.
And yeah i agree with the rest, your account, your responsiblity. (sp?)
I always report people when I say I do. Especially when they tell me they want to buy something for 30K and then submit 30 gold. And I do hope they banned them all. Permanently.
It is not a good idea to let someone else use your account. In that note NC-Soft takes each complaint 1 at a time the decides whether to ban or just give a time out, or do nothing. It depends upon the severity of the action or words or even the context of the words used. Just hope that you do not get banned for what an idiot cousin said.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
Adam of Tyria
Im really afraid of getting banned...even though its jsut a game. I have had that account forever and I dont want it all to go to waste. I also have alot of friends on guildwars that I like to see eevry day, so I dont even liek temp bans. If I were to get banned I would like to tell them my story...
actually i think i remember reading somewhere that the wont ban for saying things unless its something racial or something like that.
Ascalon Chariot
Lol, they will ban you if they get numerous reports...They ban for 5 days for using inappropriate language. Found out the hard way when I first got the game, I cant help it...Those people in pre are mean ;_;
Knightsaber Sith
Whenever someone gets banned for inappropriate behavior, the first thing everyone says is "my little brother was playing my account!".
@OP - if you get banned, you can contact PlayNC support and tell your side of the story. Most people do this, although with temp bans by the time you go through the process the ban is over.
Will it make a difference to your account record - who knows? You are responsible for the actions of anyone playing on your account and no "but, but, but" will ever change that.
Will it make a difference to your account record - who knows? You are responsible for the actions of anyone playing on your account and no "but, but, but" will ever change that.
Xenex Xclame
Dude, if its only swear words i really wouldn't worry that much.
First i doubt you'll get banned, like one of the poster said, they might if they get multiple reports, but doubt if they will for just one, for swear words that is.
Even if you do get banned, it will most likely be a temporary ban.
Learn from this and continue.
First i doubt you'll get banned, like one of the poster said, they might if they get multiple reports, but doubt if they will for just one, for swear words that is.
Even if you do get banned, it will most likely be a temporary ban.
Learn from this and continue.
Lance Lloyd
What are the reasons for which you could get defiitely banned?
The Pointless
Originally Posted by Thomas.knbk
I always report people when I say I do. Especially when they tell me they want to buy something for 30K and then submit 30 gold. And I do hope they banned them all. Permanently.
One fool reckoned I couldn't report because I wasn't an NC or ANet employee.
(If I was I wouldn't be telling someone else to ban you, would I?)

Xenex Xclame
Don't believe they are set in stone, but just think logical, botting, hacking, scamming might also get you perm banned , depends on the severety (sp?)
Buying in game gold with out game money.
Heres the special one, its in the Eula i believe, ruining other players gameplay is also a offense.So basically anything that someone else doesn't like, could get you banned under this rule.
Buying in game gold with out game money.
Heres the special one, its in the Eula i believe, ruining other players gameplay is also a offense.So basically anything that someone else doesn't like, could get you banned under this rule.
Everyone who posted is ruining my gameplay - you're all being reported.
---In all seriousness; you probably won't get reported for cursing until you bust out the racial slurs. You ever notice how people curse and curse and curse in public non-chalantly but racism is less-seen? Well, I don't see racism much, not sure about anybody else.
---In all seriousness; you probably won't get reported for cursing until you bust out the racial slurs. You ever notice how people curse and curse and curse in public non-chalantly but racism is less-seen? Well, I don't see racism much, not sure about anybody else.
Kuldebar Valiturus
Whatever you do, don't place one of these anywhere in the game world:

Such things can disrupt the game by causing panic, traffic jams and general hysteria.

Such things can disrupt the game by causing panic, traffic jams and general hysteria.

Cpt. Spazzmo
I'm fairly certain that if it was just words, it would have to be seen as hatefull, as in gay bashing, racist remarks, religious trash talk. Basically making someone feel unwelcome or uncomfortable because of who or what they are. Otherwise you will probabaly just get a slap on the wrist.
Swearing is allowed. Flaming is not. You are allowed to curse but not AT somebody... "oh [curse] i just died!" for example. Of course, unless the swearing was extremely offensive or uncalled for, it will just be a slap on the wrist.
If it's any comfort, one guy reported me for selling Althea's Ashes and I never got banned. Of course, the Ashes actually work - but he still called me a dispicable excuse for a human being - ignorance is power.
The Pointless
Actually, swearing ingame altogether is against your Terms of Use, regardless of its use. In other words, you are just as likely to get banned for yelling "Oh s***, I'm dead!" as you are for calling someone the C-word...