The Last Straw


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005

Ha blows now thanks a lot for not listening to anyone who cares about ha. The points system will never work on a map with more than one team and what needed to be changed was the fact that HA was all zergway and spirit spam.
I only play balanced builds and i dont depend on any one skill to be an effective player. i am unbiased to any certain ha build exept for the the ones that take no skill, and can be played blindfolded (zerg,spam).
I highly doubt ha will ever make it to 8v8 again even though every self respecting player wants it back. Ha went to 6 man for reasons that anet wont admit so by them having gaile tell us to post here for feedback is enough to make me die laughing.
a few things i find obvious:

devs post on here pretending to be random people to make their opinions seem like those of the community.

gaile is a master of propaghanda and seems to prefur to answer hard questions by starting a congo line.

Mods here are a joke and i hate posting on here but its apparently one of my only ways to be heard. anet asked for our opinions and i am simply giving mine even though it might seem silly.

Posters on this forum are 99% quote flamers and trolls.

Bring back the 'real' ha get this garbage off my computer.

So basically i am doing this to teach myself a lesson in futility. Don't think anet cares about anything but the $$$. When this game came out anet had nothing to lose. Now its a cash cow that would be effected by a mass migration of noobs(spiritspam and zerg players) to another game.

If you want to make ha fun again, maybe you should get the funk out of your eyes and grow a backbone, then make ha back the way it was. If you want this new gimmick crap make a new game mode.
flame/close/move this i dont care i really dont, it just proves my points. and responding directly to me will be useless, ive said my peace and wont be returning fortunatly for me and you all both.




Join Date: Nov 2005

Northern California



^ evidence I'm not the biggest hater =)



The Greatest

Join Date: Feb 2006


Stop whining.